The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes

Class Name: Line

Superclass - <Linear Geometry>


This DRM class is concrete and has no subclasses.


An instance of this DRM class specifies a sequence of connected line segments, each implicitly specified between the i, i+1 pair of <Vertex> components.

Primary Page in DRM Diagram:

Secondary Pages in DRM Diagram:

This class appears on only one page of the DRM class diagram.


  1. Consider a <Line> instance L representing a string of 30 evenly spaced lights along one side of a runway.

    To specify what L represents, it has a qualified <Classification Data> component C with tag = ECC_AERODROME_LIGHTING, where C has a <Property Value> component with

    L also has a <Light Rendering Properties> component with an appropriate <Flashing Light Behaviour>. L's own field values are count = 30 and suppress_last = SE_FALSE, so that L is rendered as a string of 30 evenly spaced flashing lights.


No FAQs supplied.


Associated with (two-way) (inherited)

Composed of (two-way) (inherited)

Composed of (two-way)

Composed of (two-way metadata) (inherited)

Component of (two-way) (inherited)

Inherited Field Elements

SE_Short_Integer_Unsigned count; (notes)
SE_Boolean suppress_last; (notes)


Composed of Notes


 A <Primitive Geometry> instance contains a
 <Union Of Primitive Geometry> instance as a component only
 when that <Primitive Geometry> instance can be decomposed
 into nested <Primitive Geometry> instances, as (for
 example) a <Polygon> instance can be decomposed into

Fields Notes


 A value of zero (0) for the count field indicates that the given
 <Linear Geometry> instance is to be rendered as solid.

 Otherwise, the interpretation of the count depends on whether
 a <Light Rendering Properties> component is present for
 the given <Linear Geometry> instance.

 - If a <Light Rendering Properties> component is present, then
   count is the number of evenly spaced light points to be
   rendered along the <Linear Geometry>.

 - If no <Light Rendering Properties> component is present, then
   count is the number of evenly spaced line segments to be
   rendered along the <Linear Geometry>.


 If count is greater than zero, the suppress_last field specifies
 whether the last segment / point in the sequence is suppressed
 or rendered.

Prev: Light Source Control Link. Next: Lineage. Up:Index.

Last updated: July 16, 2004 Copyright © 2004 SEDRIS