The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes
Edge Direction

Class Name: Edge Direction

Superclass - <SEDRIS Abstract Base>


This DRM class is concrete and has no subclasses.


An instance of this DRM class specifies, for the associated relationship, whether the target edge should be traversed forwards (from start node to end node) or backwards (in the opposite direction).

Primary Page in DRM Diagram:

Secondary Pages in DRM Diagram:


  1. A <Linear Feature> instance representing a stream is associated with several <Feature Edge> instances that define the path of the stream. The <Edge Direction> associated with each <Feature Edge> has forwards = SE_TRUE if the <Feature Edge> is oriented so that the stream flows in the direction from its starting node to its ending node, and SE_FALSE if the stream flows in the opposite direction.

  2. Consider a <Linear Feature> instance representing a one-way street. Its path is defined by a <Feature Edge>, so that the <Edge Direction> between the <Linear Feature> and the <Feature Edge> indicates whether the orientation of the <Feature Edge> matches the permitted direction of travel along the one-way street.

  3. The external <Feature Face Ring> of a regular <Feature Face> consists of three <Feature Edge> instances. In traversing the ring, the first <Feature Edge> might be traversed from starting node to ending node, so that its <Edge Direction> has forwards = SE_TRUE If the next <Feature Edge> was traversed from its ending node (which in this example is the same <Feature Node> as the ending node of the previous <Feature Edge>) to its starting node, its <Edge Direction> would have forwards = SE_FALSE (that is, backward).


What if the object associated with the edge represents a spatially located entity, such such as a tree line, that has no well-defined orientation?

In such cases, the <Edge Direction> instance's forwards field shall be set to SE_FALSE.

Isn't this information redundant, in the case of ring edges?

While this information can be derived by comparing the starting and ending nodes of consecutive edges within the face ring, it is provided as a convenience and as a validity check.


Inherited Field Elements

This class has no inherited field elements.

Field Elements

SE_Boolean forwards; (notes)


Fields Notes


 If the value of the forwards field is SE_TRUE, the edge is
 oriented in the same direction as the object with which it
 is associated, so that it should be traversed from its
 starting node to its ending node.

 If the value of the forwards field is SE_FALSE, either the
 orientation of the edge is the opposite of that of the
 associated object, or the associated object has no clearly
 defined orientation. In this case, the edge should be
 traversed from ending node to starting node.

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Last updated: July 16, 2004 Copyright © 2004 SEDRIS