The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes
Rendering Priority Level

Class Name: Rendering Priority Level

Superclass - <SEDRIS Abstract Base>


This DRM class is concrete and has no subclasses.


An instance of this DRM class specifies the method used to describe the relative priority used to resolve occlusion between 2 or more overlapping (or potentially overlapping) objects.

Priority is indicated by the group ID (rendering_group) and priority index ( rendering_priority). The rendering_priority is relative to the rendering_group, and is intended to assign priority order (or layer) to coplanar <Polygon> instances or coplanar <Feature Representation> instances. A higher index indicates a higher rendering priority (rendered last).

Objects that do not contain a <Rendering Priority Level> are assumed to have a rendering priority value of 0.

Primary Page in DRM Diagram:

Secondary Pages in DRM Diagram:


  1. A particular SEDRIS transmittal may represent a lake as a single <Polygon> located inside of a much larger <Polygon> that represents the surrounding terrain. The larger terrain polygon and the smaller lake polygon that it contains may be coplanar, so the modeler assigns a <Rendering Priority Level> of 1 to the terrain <Polygon> and a <Rendering Priority Level> of 2 to the lake <Polygon>, so that the lake polygon will be rendered on top of the terrain <Polygon>.

  2. The side of a <Model> can be represented by a brown <Polygon>, and a window in the side of a <Model> can be represented by a grey <Polygon> where the grey <Polygon> is coplanar with the brown <Polygon>. The grey <Polygon> would be given a higher <Rendering Priority Level> than the brown <Polygon> so that the window would be drawn correctly on the side of the <Model> (where the <Model> could be either a building or a vehicle).

  3. A Plan View Display (PVD) can display <Point Feature>, <Areal Feature>, and <Linear Feature> instances. Since <Feature Representation> are usually considered to be 'flat', many features are, by definition, coplanar. A <Rendering Priority Level> can be used to indicate the relative drawing order (or layer) within a set of overlapping <Feature Representations>. For example, it is common for a single <Areal Feature> to cover the entire <Environment Root> area as a 'default, background' <Feature Representation>. This <Areal Feature> could be given a rendering priority of SE_RENDER_PRIORITY_BOTTOMMOST so that it would always be drawn first, and thus would always be in the background.

  4. The following instance diagram shows how <Rendering Priority Level> can be used to override the layering of a fixed list of objects. The objects would render in this order: Polygon_C, Polygon_B, Polygon_A, Polygon_E, Polygon_F, Polygon_D.

    Rendering Priority Level, Example 4


Is this the only way to order data for rendering purposes?

No. There are other ways to achieve scope-limited, fixed-ordered rendering; see ordered <Union Of Geometry>.

When should a data provider use a <Rendering Priority Level>?

A <Rendering Priority Level> should be used to globally resolve rendering priority after scope limited occlusion is resolved. After all <Geometry Representation> is rendered that has a rendering priority <= 0, rendering successive levels of <Geometry Representation> should resolve occlusion. <Rendering Priority Level> can be viewed as a sorting bin assignment in some occlusion schemes.

Are there any 'special' sentinel values for a rendering priority?

Yes. A rendering priority of SE_RENDER_PRIORITY_TOPMOST means always render 'on top' (last), and a priority of SE_RENDER_PRIORITY_BOTTOMMOST means always render 'on bottom' (first)


Component of (two-way)

Inherited Field Elements

This class has no inherited field elements.

Field Elements

SE_Short_Integer_Positive rendering_group; (notes)
SE_Short_Integer rendering_priority; (notes)


Fields Notes


 The rendering_group field establishes a group to which objects'
 priorities are relative.


 The rendering_priority field indicates priority between coplanar
 objects within the same rendering_group, such that a higher value
 indicates a higher priority.

 For example, a <Polygon> instance with a <Rendering Priority Level>
 component having rendering_group = 1, rendering_priority = 2 will be
 "on top" of a <Polygon> instance with a <Rendering Priority Level>
 component with rendering_group = 1, rendering_priority = 1.

Prev: Relative Time Interval. Next: Rendering Properties. Up:Index.

Last updated: July 16, 2004 Copyright © 2004 SEDRIS