The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes Finite Element Mesh |
An instance of this DRM class specifies a tesselation of a surface into mesh faces, or of a solid into solid elements. Additional data may be associated with each vertex, mesh face, and / or solid element.
More specifically, a <Finite Element Mesh> instance is comprised of:
Knowledge of which vertices form a mesh face (or solid) is important for various computations, such as interpolation.
Component <Property Table> instances are optional; when present, they are used to define solid elements and to associate data with <Vertex> instances, mesh faces, or solid elements.
In support of a rain run-off computational model, a ground surface area is triangulated. At each triangle vertex, the gradient, porosity, flow resistance, water capacity, and rain rate are measured.
This data set is represented in a <Finite Element Mesh> instance by
Surface mesh does not have any <Property Table> instances classified as either ECC_MESH_SOLID_SET or ECC_MESH_SOLID_PROPERTY_SET, but may have surface topology in its component <Mesh Face Table>.
A solid mesh shall have a ECC_MESH_SOLID_SET <Property Table>, may have a ECC_MESH_SOLID_PROPERTY_SET <Property Table>, and does not have surface topology in its component <Mesh Face Table>.
See Part 4 Volume 6, Data Tables Technical Guide, of the SEDRIS Documentation Set.
A <Primitive Geometry> instance contains a <Union Of Primitive Geometry> instance as a component only when that <Primitive Geometry> instance can be decomposed into nested <Primitive Geometry> instances, as (for example) a <Polygon> instance can be decomposed into subfaces.
Since a <Vertex> shall have a <Location>, this provides an enumerated collection of <Location> instances.