The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes
Geometry Volume

Class Name: Geometry Volume

Superclass - <Geometry Topology>


This DRM class is concrete and has no subclasses.


An instance of this DRM class is a three-dimensional <Geometry Topology> instance used to represent an enclosed region of space that is bounded by two or more <Geometry Face> instances.

Primary Page in DRM Diagram:

Secondary Pages in DRM Diagram:


  1. Consider a <Polyhedron> representing a building. It has a collection of <Polygon>s, which define its geometric shape; an associated <Geometry Volume>, which defines its topological relationships; a <Classification Data> component that classifies it as an ECC_BUILDING; <Property Value> components that describe its characteristics, such as material composition, and a <Label> that identifies it as "The Empire State Building".


When are <Geometry Volume> instances required?

<Geometry Volume> instances are required only when the geometry topology level is five.

Are there any geometric constraints on <Geometry Volume> instances?

Yes. <Geometry Volume> instances must always have closed external boundaries (defined by their component <Polygon>s), and their interiors must be fully connected. At geometry topology level 5, the interiors of <Geometry Volume> instances may not intersect or overlap one another, and <Geometry Volume> instances may meet only along one or more common <Geometry Face> instances.

Can <Geometry Volume> instances exist at any geometry topology level?

Yes. <Geometry Volume> instances may exist at any geometry topology level. At geometry topology level 5, the collection of <Geometry Volume> instances must exhaustively and exclusively partition the 3-dimensional topological space, such that exactly two <Geometry Volume> instances shall be bounded by each <Geometry Face>.


Associated with (two-way)

Component of (two-way) (inherited)

Inherited Field Elements

This class has no inherited field elements.


Associated with Notes


 If a given <Geometry Volume> has an association relationship
 with a <Geometry Edge> instance, that <Geometry Edge>
 instance is contained within the <Geometry Volume>.


 The <Geometry Face> instances that border a given <Geometry
 Volume> instance indicate the relationship by their association
 to the <Geometry Volume>. The converse of this relationship is
 that between <Geometry Volume> and <Geometry Face>.


 If a given <Geometry Volume> has an association relationship
 with a <Geometry Node> instance, that <Geometry Node>
 instance is contained within the <Geometry Volume>.

Prev: Geometry Topology Hierarchy. Next: Grid Overlap. Up:Index.

Last updated: July 16, 2004 Copyright © 2004 SEDRIS