The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes Enumeration Axis |
An instance of this DRM class is an <Axis> instance that uses EECs as the meanings for the tick marks.
Consider a <Property Grid> instance containing data that varies by ocean bottom material composition. The <Property Grid> instance therefore has an <Enumeration Axis> component of axis_type = EAC_WATERBODY_FLOOR_MATERIAL_TYPE. The axis_value_array contains corresponding values such as EEC_WTRBDFLRMATTY_CLAY_AND_SILT.
Consider a <Property Table> instance containing data that varies by season of the year. The <Property Table> instance therefore has an <Enumeration Axis> component of axis_type = EAC_SEASON. The axis_value_array contains some or all of the values: EEC_SEASON_WINTER, EEC_SEASON_SPRING, EEC_SEASON_SUMMER, or EEC_SEASON_AUTUMN.
If the values on the <Enumeration Axis> instance represent different values of some variable (days of the week, colours, seasons, states), the data provider should use an <Enumeration Axis> instance (request a new EAC enumeration if justified). Multiple <Table Property Description> instances should be used when the <Data Table> instance contains different kinds of dependent data, such as temperature, pressure, and humidity.
EDCS_Attribute_Code | axis_type; | (notes) |
SE_Short_Integer_Positive | axis_value_count; | (notes) |
EDCS_Enumerant_Code | axis_value_array[]; |
The axis_type field specifies the property being described by the <Axis> instance.
The axis_value_count specifies the number of tick marks along the <Axis> instance.