The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes
Data Table

Abstract Class Name: Data Table

Superclass - <SEDRIS Abstract Base>



An instance of this DRM class specifies an N-dimensional array of data cells, each of which has the same data signature, representing some environmental data. The general nature of the environmental data being represented is indicated by the required <Classification Data> component. The specific contents in the context of that <Classification Data> instance are given by the signature of the <Data Table> instance (i.e., the combination of its ordered <Axis> components and ordered <Table Property Description> components).

The N dimensions of a <Data Table> instance are specified by its N ordered <Axis> components.

The complete structure of a cell within a <Data Table> instance is described by the complete ordered set of <Table Property Description> components of that <Data Table> instance. This set is termed the data signature, and applies to all cells of the <Data Table> instance.

Additional information about any given cell property, where such information is to be applied throughout the scope of the <Data Table> instance (e.g., sentinel values and tolerances) is specified by attaching <Property Characteristic> components to the applicable <Table Property Description> instance(s).

Primary Page in DRM Diagram:

Secondary Pages in DRM Diagram:


See individual subclasses for examples.


Where can users obtain further information about the <Data Table> class and its usage?

See P4V6 of the SEDRIS Documentation Set for detailed information on <Data Table> instance manipulation.

The <Data Table> class does not have a field for the actual cells of a <Data Table> instance. Where are they, and how are they accessed?

The actual cells of a <Data Table> instance are hidden by the API implementation being used to provide the <Data Table> instance. See the SE_PutDataTableData() function in the level 0 write API for <Data Table> instance production, and the level 0 function SE_GetDataTableData() for consumption.

How does a <Data Table> instance indicate what it represents?

The general nature of the data set in indicated by the required <Classification Data> component. The specific contents in the context of that <Classification Data> instance are given by the <Data Table> instance's signature, that is, the combination of its ordered <Axis> and <Table Property Description> components.

Can values from a <Data Table> instance be used to drive a <Control Link> instance?

Yes; see <Property Table>.


Composed of (two-way)

Composed of (two-way metadata)

Component of (two-way)

Inherited Field Elements

This class has no inherited field elements.


Composed of Notes


The <Classification Data> component indicates the kind of information represented by the <Data Table> instance, such as terrain elevation or water characteristics.

Prev: Data Quality. Next: Data Table Library. Up:Index.

Last updated: August 23, 2005 Copyright © 2005 SEDRIS