The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes Axis |
An instance of this DRM class specifies a set of values of an independent variable to be used to organize the dependent values in a <Data Table> instance.
A table of Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) contains terrain elevation data sampled in a grid of regularly spaced longitude and latitude points. The <Axis> components of such a <Data Table> instance - specifically, <Regular Axis> components - are longitude and latitude.
A table of ocean temperature and salinity data taken at varying depths by an expendable bathythermograph can be captured in a table. Such a <Data Table> instance has EAC_WATER_DEPTH as an <Irregular Axis> component, EAC_WATERBODY_TEMPERATURE and EAC_WATERBODY_SALINITY are <Table Property Description> components. If these data were taken at intervals along a path, the locations on that path (say longitudes) forms a second <Axis> component - specifically, an <Interval Axis> component - of the now two-dimensional table.
The values on a single <Axis> instance X shall be distinct values of a single variable specified by the axis_type field of X.
No. An <Axis> instance shall have at least one tick mark value.
Yes; this case implies that all of the data in the cells of the corresponding <Data Table> instance share that value.
No. In such a case, the data provider should specify a value for EVC_NOT_APPLICABLE, and use it for those cells. See <Table Property Description> and <Property Characteristic> for more information.
EDCS_Attribute_Code | axis_type; | (notes) |
SE_Short_Integer_Positive | axis_value_count; | (notes) |
The axis_type field specifies the property being described by the <Axis> instance.
The axis_value_count specifies the number of tick marks along the <Axis> instance.