The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes Geometry Model |
An instance of this DRM class specifies a collection of geometric attributes and the necessary hierarchy and attributes required to build a renderable component of the transmittal, defined in the single SRF specified by its <Model> aggregate.
The representation of the hull of an M1 tank.
A <Geometry Model> representing a missile pointing down the -Z axis. The <Geometry Model> is aggregated by a <Model>, which in turn is part of a large <Model Library>, in which the missiles are expected to point down the positive Y axis. To be consistent with the other <Model>s in the <Model Library>, the missile's <Geometry Model> has an <LSR Transformation> to reorient it to point down the positive Y axis.
A <Geometry Model> may be as large and complex as a large terrain model, or as simple as a tank's turret at the lowest level of detail.
<Geometry Model> has an <LSR Transformation> to allow all <Model> components of a <Model Library> to be given a uniform orientation. (Note that the data provider is not required to give them all a uniform orientation.)
An association from a <Geometry Model Instance> instance to a <Geometry Model> indicates that the <Geometry Model Instance> instances that particular <Geometry Model>.
This allows explicit definition of where the <Model> contacts the terrain surface.
This is actually required, except when the <<Non Empty Model>> constraint is applicable.
This allows a data provider to specify a uniform model orientation within a <Model Library>. (Note that a data provider is not *required* to do so.)