The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes
Data Quality

Class Name: Data Quality

Superclass - <SEDRIS Abstract Base>


This DRM class is concrete and has no subclasses.


An instance of this DRM class specifies a [ISO 19115]-compliant description of the level of quality of the information contained in the aggregating SEDRIS object.

Primary Page in DRM Diagram:

Secondary Pages in DRM Diagram:


  1. Description of the level of data quality for the <Feature Representation> instances within a particular thematic layer, such as vegetation.


How does the data quality of a SEDRIS object depend on the data quality of the sources used in its creation?

Each of the processing steps that is performed in the creation of a SEDRIS object has some effect on the quality of the result, but the individual impacts of the processing steps are not well understood, let alone the combined impacts.

How does the data quality of a <Transmittal Root>, or any other SEDRIS object within a transmittal, depend on the data quality of its components?

The data quality of the whole is certainly no better than the worst of its components.


Composed of (two-way)

Component of (two-way)

Inherited Field Elements

This class has no inherited field elements.

Field Elements

SE_Boolean fictional; (notes)
SE_Data_Quality_Element field_accuracy; (notes)
SE_Data_Quality_Element logical_consistency; (notes)
SE_Data_Quality_Element completeness; (notes)
SE_Data_Quality_Element abs_horiz_pos_accuracy; (notes)
SE_Data_Quality_Element rel_horiz_pos_accuracy; (notes)
SE_Data_Quality_Element abs_vert_pos_accuracy; (notes)
SE_Data_Quality_Element rel_vert_pos_accuracy; (notes)


Composed of Notes


 If provided, this specifies either
 (1) information about the events and/or source data
     used in constructing the data set to which
     given <Data Quality> instance applies, or
 (2) lack of knowledge about lineage.

Fields Notes


 The value of the fictional field is SE_TRUE if *any* aspect of
 the data content *intentionally* deviates from the available
 source data - that is, was "made up" out of thin air; fictional is
 SE_FALSE otherwise.


 The field_accuracy field specifies a statement of field accuracy.


 The logical_consistency field specifies an optional statement
 of logical consistency.


 The completeness field specifies an optional statement of completeness.


 The abs_horiz_pos_accuracy field specifies an optional statement
 that may alternately be expressed
 numerically through the use of


 The rel_horiz_pos_accuracy field specifies an optional statement
 that may alternately be expressed
 numerically through the use of


 The abs_vert_pos_accuracy field specifies an optional statement
 that may alternately be expressed
 numerically through the use of


 The rel_vert_pos_accuracy field specifies an optional statement
 that may alternately be expressed
 numerically through the use of

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Last updated: July 16, 2004 Copyright © 2004 SEDRIS