The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes

Abstract Class Name: Colour

Superclass - <SEDRIS Abstract Base>



An instance of this DRM class specifies the colour data for a DRM object.

Primary Page in DRM Diagram:

Secondary Pages in DRM Diagram:


See concrete subclasses for examples.


Where can one find more information on colour in the DRM?

See P4V8 of the SEDRIS Documentation Set for further information.

Where do RGB values go in all this? How is a single, simple colour represented?

The actual colour values are represented by a single <Primitive Colour> instance for each <Colour> instance. The location of this <Primitive Colour> instance depends on whether the <Colour> instance in question is an <Inline Colour> instance or a <Colour Index> instance. See those classes for details.

A single, simple colour is represented as an <Inline Colour> instance, the colour_mapping of which is set to some variation of PRIMARY_COLOUR, and the <Primitive Colour> instance of which has only an <Ambient Colour> component specified.

See <Primitive Colour> for further discussion.

How can a data provider represent a colour (such as RGB) that has a coefficient (such as K)?

The data provider in this example has two options.

  1. The coefficient can be factored into the colour to create an <Inline Colour> instance.

  2. The colour can be placed in a <Colour Table> instance, then referenced by a <Colour Index> instance, the intensity_level of which is set to the value of the coefficient.

How does one determine how to apply a <Colour> instance to the DRM object using it? What is the purpose of the colour_mapping field?

The colour_mapping field indicates how to apply a <Colour> instance to the DRM object using it -- which side of the DRM object it applies to, whether it is used for the primary colour, for distance or image blending, or something else. (See SE_Colour_Mapping for the details of specific colour mappings).

Incidentally, the colour_mapping field is a set, rather than a simple enumeration, in order to simplify the consumer's task of identifying what a colour applies to. Its members are taken from the SE_Colour_Mapping enumeration.

Is a <Primitive Geometry> instance required to have a PRIMARY_COLOUR as a component (whether direct or inherited)?

No. Some texture mapping techniques don't require colour to be present on <Polygon> instances, so some data providers have no PRIMARY_COLOUR to supply. If a consumer cannot handle the texture mapping technique used in a transmittal, the consumer will have to choose some appropriate default colour.

Are all combinations of PRIMARY_COLOUR, DISTANCE_BLEND_COLOUR, and IMAGE_BLEND_COLOUR colour mapping valid for a single polygon's OTW front face?



Composed of (two-way)

Component of (two-way)

Inherited Field Elements

This class has no inherited field elements.

Field Elements

SE_Colour_Mapping colour_mapping; (notes)


Composed of Notes


If present, the <Presentation Domain> component identifies the type of sensor for which the <Colour> instance is applicable.

Fields Notes


The colour_mapping field specifies the set of SE_Colour_Mapping members applicable to the <Colour> instance.

Prev: Collision Volume. Next: Colour Data. Up:Index.

Last updated: August 23, 2005 Copyright © 2005 SEDRIS