The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes
Colour Index

Class Name: Colour Index

Superclass - <Colour>


This DRM class is concrete and has no subclasses.


An instance of this DRM class specifies a reference to a <Primitive Colour> component of a <Colour Table> instance.

A <Colour Index> instance contains an index into the primary <Colour Table> component of the <Colour Table Group> instance to which it is associated. The <Colour Table Group> instance specifies which of its <Colour Table> components is being used, while the <Colour Index> instance specifies which <Primitive Colour> component within that primary <Colour Table> instance is being referenced.

Primary Page in DRM Diagram:

Secondary Pages in DRM Diagram:

This class appears on only one page of the DRM class diagram.


  1. Consider a <Colour Table Group> instance, the primary <Colour Table> component of which consists of <Primitive Colour> instances for OTW viewing conditions.

    A <Polygon> instance that references the kth <Primitive Colour> component in this table does so by having a <Colour Index> component that is associated to the <Colour Table Group> instance and the index value of which is set to k. If the <Colour Index> instance is solely responsible for the <Polygon> instance's colour, its intensity_level is 100.0.


Consider a consumer attempting to consume a DRM object, e.g., a <Polygon> instance, the <Colour> component of which is specified by a <Colour Index> instance. What can the consumer do to get access to the actual <Primitive Colour> instance being referred to?

A consumer can access the actual <Primitive Colour> instances contained within a <Colour Table> instance just as though <Inline Colour> instances had been used, via the Level 0 API. See SE_InitializeComponentIterator()'s directly_attach_table_components parameter, and SE_GetComponent()'s directly_attach_table_components parameter.

How can a data provider, specify that a <Colour> instance contributes x percent (e.g., 25%) of the total effect on a coloured object, while an <Image Mapping Function> instance provides the remaining 100%-x (e.g., 75%)?

See <Colour Index>'s intensity_level field and <Image Mapping Function>'s intensity_level field.


Associated to (one-way)

Composed of (two-way) (inherited)

Composed of (two-way)

Component of (two-way) (inherited)

Inherited Field Elements

SE_Colour_Mapping colour_mapping; (notes)

Field Elements

SE_Integer_Positive index; (notes)
SE_Long_Float intensity_level; (notes)


Composed of Notes


If present, the <Presentation Domain> component identifies the type of sensor for which the <Colour> instance is applicable.

Fields Notes


The colour_mapping field specifies the set of SE_Colour_Mapping members applicable to the <Colour> instance.


The index field specifies which <Primitive Colour> instance is being referenced within the primary <Colour Table> instance of the given <Colour Table Group> instance. For a <Colour Index> instance with a <Colour Index Control Link> component X, where the colour_index field of X is non-zero, the value of the index field is obtained from X.


The intensity_level field specifies the proportional contribution of the indexed colour data to the total effect on the coloured object(s). For the RGB and CMY colour models, each of the colour data values within the referenced <Primitive Colour> instance are multiplied by the intensity_level field value to obtain their contribution to the total colour of the affected coloured object(s). For the HSV colour model, only the value component of the colour data value within the referenced <Primitive Colour> instance is multiplied. For a <Colour Index> instance with a <Colour Index Control Link> component X, where the intensity_level_index of X is non-zero, the value of the intensity_level field is obtained from X.

Prev: Colour Data. Next: Colour Index Control Link. Up:Index.

Last updated: August 23, 2005 Copyright © 2005 SEDRIS