The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes SRF Summary |
An instance of this DRM class specifies that the SRF identified by the srf_context_info field is used by at least one instance of the DRM class being summarized by the aggregating <DRM Class Summary Item> instance.
Consider a transmittal containing terrain geometry, an oceanographic <Property Grid> instance, an atmospheric <Property Grid> instance, and a number of <Model> instances. The terrain is in one SRF, the oceanographic <Property Grid> instance in another, the atmospheric <Property Grid> instance in a third, and some of the <Model> instances in a fourth (in this example, LSR). This situation can be summarized as depicted in Figure 65 where appropriate <SRF Summary> instances are components of the respective <DRM Class Summary Item> instances.
Consider a transmittal in which the environment being represented covers two adjacent cells in GTRS Global Coordinate System SRFs. The data provider represents this by creating a <Transmittal Root> instance with two <Environment Root> components, one for each GTRS GCS SRF.
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The srf_context_info field specifies the SRF being identified.