The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes Property Grid |
An instance of this DRM class is a <Data Table> instance that has at least one but not more than three spatial axes. Spatial axes shall always appear before any other <Axis> components in the ordered list of <Axis> components for the <Property Grid> instance.
A spatial axis is an <Axis> component that describes sampling along one of the components of the SRF of the <Property Grid> instance. Hence, it is directly useful for locating the sample values in space. To qualify as spatial, the <Axis> component shall match the SRF exactly, using a consistent specification (e.g., the same ORM, direction vector and units). Spatial axes have the following characteristics.
A DTED <Property Grid> instance is associated to <Areal Feature> instances representing DTED accuracy areas supplemental to the grid.
Consider a <Property Grid> instance classified as ECC_WATERBODY_TEMPERATURE_PROPERTY_SET for an ocean volume. Ocean temperature features, such as warm/cold currents, fronts, and eddies, are associated to specific cells of the <Property Grid> instance.
Consider a transmittal provided by a data producer whose format uses polygons rather than grids to represent terrain, where the polygons define a default post spacing. To provide this default post spacing in the transmittal, the data provider provides an empty <Property Grid> instance, attaching it to the hierarchy with a <Property Grid Hook Point> instance, as usual, with the structure depicted in Figure 43.
The spatial <Axis> instances define the extents and the spacing of the <Property Grid> instance. The data provider has the option of providing <Property Characteristic> components for the <Table Property Description> instance to supply the minimum and maximum elevation values.
Any <Axis> instance for which the axis_type is not spatial is a non-spatial <Axis> instance. Examples of such axis_type values are EAC_MONTH, material index, EAC_DENSITY. There are also <Axis> instances that seem to have spatial meaning but are not "spatial" to the DRM, for example, atmospheric pressure height, height above or below terrain surface, azimuth. These are non-spatial to SEDRIS because they require either additional information (such as the location of the terrain surface) or a parametric formula (such as the standard atmosphere model) to convert their values into a <Location> instance in the SRF of the <Property Grid> instance.
This mechanism allows a <Property Grid> instance's cell data element to specify an index into the set of ordered <Data Table> components, so that any <Data Table> component can be referenced by many data cells. See <<Index Codes within Tables>> for further details.
No. A <Property Grid Hook Point> instance may have several <Property Grid> components, making the main connection between a <Feature Representation> instance and a <Property Grid> instance ambiguous.
This is easily handled by having the cell index to a (nested) <Data Table> component of related <Feature Representation> instance IDs (EAC_NUMERIC_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER). Such <Data Table> components of related <Feature Representation> instances shall be classified as ECC_RELATED_OBJECT_SET.
Because it provides an outline or template of the <Property Grid> instance's information by providing the size, orientation, spacing, and so on of the <Property Grid> instance without any cell values.
This makes it possible, for instance, for a consumer who requires <Property Grid> instances rather than <Polygon> instances for terrain to derive the <Property Grid> representation from the <Polygon> representation (see example 3).
The spatial_axes_count field specifies how many axes of the <Property Grid> instance are spatial axes.
The location_index field specifies up to three grid indexes that identify the grid cell that contains the location corresponding to that specified by the <Location 3D> component of the <Property Grid Hook Point> aggregate of the <Property Grid> instance. The identified cell is where the <Location 3D> instance is attached to the <Property Grid> instance. The location_index shall specify a valid cell within the <Property Grid> instance; that is, the indexes shall be within the appropriate bounds of the <Property Grid> instance. Only the first spatial_axes_count entries of location_index are significant.
The srf_context_info field specifies the SRF within which the <Property Grid> instance is defined. The griddedness of spatial positions is dependent on the properties of the SRF. Coordinate conversions and transformations are not, in general, linear, so that a set of points that form a regular array of positions in one SRF may not be regular in another SRF. Therefore, in order to preserve griddedness, a <Property Grid> instance specifies an SRF in which the data positions form a grid.
If data_present = SE_TRUE (the default), the <Property Grid> instance contains cell values that can be extracted by invoking the appropriate API functions. Otherwise, if data_present = SE_FALSE, the <Property Grid> instance does not contain any cell values although it may provide everything else that a populated <Property Grid> instance can provide.
The relative_to_hook_point field specifies whether the cell data of the <Property Grid> instance is specified relative to the context of a <Property Grid Hook Point> instance that references it.