The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes Polygon |
An instance of this DRM class specifies a bounded portion of a plane, defined by a set of three or more <Vertex> components listed in counterclockwise order. The final segment connecting the last <Vertex> component to the first <Vertex> component is implicit, not explicit. That is, the first <Vertex> component is not duplicated to also appear as the last <Vertex> component of the <Polygon> instance.
A <Polygon> instance represented by multiple subfaces each of which are other <Polygon> instances is depicted in Figure 38.
The resulting DRM objects are depicted in Figure 39.
In processing these subfaces, the traversal and drawing order of the DRM objects is depth first.
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EXAMPLE A <Polygon> instance can be decomposed into multiple <Polygon> instances representing subfaces.
The polygon_flags field specifies the set of SE_Polygon_Flag members applicable to the <Polygon> instance. For a <Polygon> instance with a <Polygon Control Link> component X, the value of the polygon_flags field is obtained from X.