The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes
Hierarchy Summary Item

Class Name: Hierarchy Summary Item

Superclass - <Base Summary Item>


This DRM class is concrete and has no subclasses.


An instance of this DRM class represents an instance, or a number of identical instances, of a <Geometry Hierarchy> or <Feature Hierarchy> that exists within the given <Model> or <Environment Root> instance. <Hierarchy Summary Item> instances are combined together to form hierarchies that mirror those that they summarize. This summary is a compressed form of the actual hierarchy, as each <Hierarchy Summary Item> may represent a number of instances of the class indicated by its drm_class field.

Consequently, the multiplicity field records how many of the given class a <Hierarchy Summary Item> actually represents. Note that all instances represented by one <Hierarchy Summary Item> shall have exactly the same hierarchical pattern beneath them, right down to where the hierarchy summary concludes. In essence, a <Hierarchy Summary Item> represents both the instance(s) that it describes, and the specific hierarchy beneath it (them); it may have an optional association to the <Geometry Hierarchy(ies)> or <Feature Hierarchy(ies)> that it summarizes.

Each <Hierarchy Summary Item> instance (that is, each object type) can optionally have a list of <EDCS Use Summary Item> instances giving the classifications that are attached to those instances in the transmittal being summarized.

The Hierarchy Summary does not have to be a total representation of the entire transmittal hierarchy and can be limited to a useful high level summary.

If the producer of the transmittal deems it of potential use to consumers, the branches of the Hierarchy Summary can terminate with a list of <DRM Class Summary Item> instances representing the objects beneath that point in the hierarchy.

Primary Page in DRM Diagram:

Secondary Pages in DRM Diagram:


  1. Consider an <Environment Root> instance for which the geometry is to be summarized.

    Hierarchy Summary Item, Example 1, Diagram 1

    The geometry portion of the above <Environment Root> can therefore summarized as follows. Note that this is the same <Environment Root> instance as shown above, but for readability only the <Hierarchy Summary Item> portion of its instance diagram is shown here.

    Hierarchy Summary Item, Example 1, Diagram 2

    The <Hierarchy Summary Item> tree, rooted at the <Environment Root>, parallels the structure of the corresponding geometry. In this instance, the data provider has elected not to provide a detailed summary of the <Union Of Geometry Hierarchy>'s structure. The list of <DRM Class Summary Item> components merely identify classes that are somewhere below the <Union Of Geometry Hierarchy>, rather than the patterns in which they appear.

    The <EDCS Use Summary Item> components summarize patterns of ECCs, possibly used together with EACs, in the context being summarized.

    If the data provider wished to summarize the hierarchy of the <Union Of Geometry Hierarchy> in detail, its <Hierarchy Summary Item> could be provided with appropriate <Hierarchy Summary Item> components as desired, until the summary reached the level of <Primitive Geometry> and the hierarchy summary came to an end.

    For examples of summaries of <Primitive Geometry> patterns, see <Primitive Summary Item>.


If the intent is for a useful high level summary, why not just have the consumer perform a shallow breadth-first search?

The consumer could indeed compute the information, since all that this provides is a summary of what's in the transmittal. The reason for providing the information is to indicate that users don't have to be exhaustive if they don't think it's appropriate / required / necessary, or a good use of processing time, etc. Even just providing a top level summary, allows producers to summarize. They don't have to be complete in a legalistic way, and can therefore use this mechanism to summarize the major hierarchical structuring, perhaps leaving out less significant deviations from that predominant pattern. These would turn up in a search and actually confuse the issue. If you like, this mechanism allows a producer to sketch out the forest without missing it for the trees.

Why can <Environment Root> and <Model> only have 0 - 2 <Hierarchy Summary Item> components?

See <<Hierarchy Summary Constraints>>.


Associated to (one-way)

Composed of (two-way)

Composed of (two-way metadata) (inherited)

Component of (two-way)

Inherited Field Elements

SE_DRM_Class drm_class; (notes)

Field Elements

SE_HS_Multiplicity_Code multiplicity_meaning; (notes)
SE_Integer_Unsigned multiplicity; (notes)


Associated to Notes


 If present, these association(s) indicate that the given
 <Hierarchy Summary Item> instance summarizes the specific
 <Feature Hierarchy> object tree(s) thus indicated.


 If present, these association(s) indicate that the given
 <Hierarchy Summary Item> instance summarizes the specific
 <Geometry Hierarchy> object tree(s) thus indicated.

Composed of Notes


 If present, the list of <EDCS Use Summary Item> components of
 a <Base Summary Item> instance summarize EDCS usage by instances
 of the class specified by drm_class that occur somewhere in
 the scope being summarized.


 If present, the <DRM Class Summary Item> components of a
 <Hierarchy Summary Item> instance list classes for which
 instances occur beneath this point in the hierarchy
 being summarized.


 If present, the <Hierarchy Summary Item> components of a
 <Hierarchy Summary Item> instance summarize the next
 level down in the component tree of the hierarchy being

Fields Notes


 The drm_class field indicates the DRM class of the object(s)
 represented by the given <Base Summary Item> instance.


 The multiplicity_meaning field specifies the meaning of the
 multiplicity field value for the given <Hierarchy Summary Item>


 The multiplicity field specifies the number of identical
 instances represented, or the order of magnitude of that
 number, for the given <Hierarchy Summary Item> instance.
 If the multiplicity is unknown, this field's value should
 be set to zero.

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Last updated: July 16, 2004 Copyright © 2004 SEDRIS