The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes Feature Topology |
An instance of a concrete class derived from this DRM class specifies both the geometric aspects (such as location and shape) and topological aspects (such as adjacency) of part of one or more <Feature Representation> instances.
A topological surface consists of a collection of <Feature Topology> instances related to one another through a variety of topological relationships.
In a collection of <Feature Representation> instances representing a transportation network, the <Feature Face> instances represent built-up areas, airfields, railroad yards, and parking lots, the <Feature Edge> instances represent their boundaries as well as roads, railroads, and runways, and the <Feature Node> instances represent road intersections and railroad crossings.
<Feature Topology> includes both the geometric and the topological aspects of <Feature Representations>, while <Geometry Topology> includes only the topological aspects of <Geometry Representation>, which are completely optional.