The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes Property Set Index |
An instance of this DRM class specifies the means of referencing the contents of a <Property Set> instance that is contained in a <Property Set Table> instance.
A <Property Set Index> instance specifies an index into the primary <Property Set Table> component of the <Property Set Table Group> instance to which it is associated. The <Property Set Table Group> instance specifies which of its <Property Set Table> components is being used, while the <Property Set Index> instance specifies which <Property Set> component within that primary <Property Set Table> instance is being referenced.
Consider a <Property Set Table Group> instance, such that its primary <Property Set Table> component's kth <Property Set> component consists of <Colour> instances and <Image Mapping Function> instances for sandy ground under normal, OTW viewing conditions.
A terrain <Polygon> instance that references this set does so by having a <Property Set Index> component that is associated to the <Property Set Table Group> instance and the index value of which is set to k.
A consumer can access the actual property objects contained within the <Property Set Table>, as though they had been directly attached to the object. See SE_InitializeComponentIterator()'s directly_attach_table_components parameter, and SE_GetComponent()'s directly_attach_table_components parameter.
SE_Integer_Positive | index; | (notes) |
The index field specifies which <Property Set> instance is being referenced within the primary <Property Set Table> component of the associated <Property Set Table Group> instance. For a <Property Set Index> instance with a <Property Set Index Control Link> component X, the value of the index field is obtained from X.