Effect of Small Errors
* From: N. Bowditch, American Practical Navigator, U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office, 1966 Ed.
For small regions all map projections are the same.*
Take such statements with a grain of salt!
- The original Bowditch book is very old,
- In navigation - meters of error are considered small,
- In geodesy a meter is small (to some),
- In GPS applications a meter is big,
- To a gunner who aims at the turret ring of an enemy tank a meter is really big,
- It only takes a small curvature distortion to hide or uncover a target and in some terrains this is a frequent occurrence,
- In some real time embedded systems small errors may accumulate.
The application domain determines what is small, in M&S very accurate representations of spatial reference frameworks are required for VV&A support and to promote a level playing field.