PPT Slide
and Resolution of Disagreements
- For power series expansion, it is possible to compute an exact upper bound on the error and this should be done.
• Testing should be done over the entire region of application using a very large and dense set of test points. This will insure sampling away from zeros of the error function. This will also validate the analytical error analysis and help find possible coding errors.
• The three representations shown on the previous slide, while appearing to be different, may be equivalent in the following sense:
- Suppose that the test region is bounded and closed,
- That is R = [min. lon. , max. lon.] x [0 , max. lon.] x [min. e , max. e]
where e is the eccentricity of the set of meridian ellipses being considered,
- Then generate a dense grid on the three dimensional region R,
- Then compare the three alternatives at each grid point,
- If the maximum absolute difference between them is less than some
acceptable value (say one millimeter) then they have equivalent accuracy.