Release Notes

FACC2.1 to EDCS4.1 Mapping SDK Release 4.1.0

July 28, 2006

  1. Introduction
  2. Bug Fixes
  3. Installation
  4. Compiling, Linking, and Testing
  5. SDK Documentation
  6. Bug Reports and Feedback
  7. Web Pages


Thank you for downloading this release of the FACC 2.1 to EDCS 4.1 Mapping Software Development Kit (SDK). This SDK is intended as a "drop-in" into the EDCS SDK.

This release has been tested on multiple platforms, such as Linux, Irix, Sun, and Windows 98/Me/NT/2000.

For help, comments, and bug reports please send email to If you are an associate, please use

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Bug Fixes

FACC 2.1 feature mappings:

  1. BH170 "Spring/Water Hole" was erroneously mapped to ECC_WATERING_PLACE. It is now mapped to ECC_WATERING_HOLE.
FACC 2.1 "code list" mappings:
  1. BUT 14 "Preferred Channel to Starboard" was erroneously mapped to EAC BUOY_TYPE, EE BUOY_TYPE_PREFERRED_CHANNEL_PORT. It is now mapped to PREFERRED_CHANNEL_STARBOARD.
  2. CHA 48 "Fixed / long flash" was erroneously mapped to EAC LIGHT_PATTERN, EE FLASHING_LONG_FLASH. It is now mapped to FIXED_LONG_FLASHING
  3. HS1 6 "Jun" was erroneously mapped to EAC WATER_CURRENT_APPEARANCE_MONTH, EE MAY. It is now mapped to JUNE.
  4. HS1 7 "Jul" was erroneously mapped to EAC WATER_CURRENT_APPEARANCE_MONTH, EE JUNE. It is now mapped to JULY.
  5. HS1 8 "Aug" was erroneously mapped to EAC WATER_CURRENT_APPEARANCE_MONTH, EE JULY. It is now mapped to AUGUST.
  6. HS1 9 "Sep" was erroneously mapped to EAC WATER_CURRENT_APPEARANCE_MONTH, EE AUGUST. It is now mapped to SEPTEMBER.
  7. HS1 10 "Oct" was erroneously mapped to EAC WATER_CURRENT_APPEARANCE_MONTH, EE SEPTEMBER. It is now mapped to OCTOBER.
  8. HS1 11 "Nov" was erroneously mapped to EAC WATER_CURRENT_APPEARANCE_MONTH, EE OCTOBER. It is now mapped to NOVEMBER.
  9. HS1 12 "Dec" was erroneously mapped to EAC WATER_CURRENT_APPEARANCE_MONTH, EE NOVEMBER. It is now mapped to DECEMBER.
  10. HS2 6 "Jun" was erroneously mapped to EAC WATER_CURRENT_APPEARANCE_MONTH, EE MAY. is now mapped to JUNE.
  11. HS2 7 "Jul" was erroneously mapped to EAC WATER_CURRENT_APPEARANCE_MONTH, EE JUNE. It is now mapped to JULY.
  12. HS2 8 "Aug" was erroneously mapped to EAC WATER_CURRENT_APPEARANCE_MONTH, EE JULY. It is now mapped to AUGUST.
  13. HS2 9 "Sep" was erroneously mapped to EAC WATER_CURRENT_APPEARANCE_MONTH, EE AUGUST. It is now mapped to SEPTEMBER.
  14. HS2 10 "Oct" was erroneously mapped to EAC WATER_CURRENT_APPEARANCE_MONTH, EE SEPTEMBER. It is now mapped to OCTOBER.
  15. HS2 11 "Nov" was erroneously mapped to EAC WATER_CURRENT_APPEARANCE_MONTH, EE OCTOBER. It is now mapped to NOVEMBER.
  16. HS2 12 "Dec" was erroneously mapped to EAC WATER_CURRENT_APPEARANCE_MONTH, EE NOVEMBER. It is now mapped to DECEMBER.
  17. TCS 998 "Not Applicable" was erroneously mapped to EAC TUNNEL_CROSS_SECTION, EE ARCH. is now mapped to EV NOT_APPLICABLE.
  18. TCS 999 "Other" was erroneously mapped to EAC TUNNEL_CROSS_SECTION, EE BOX. is now mapped to EV UNDESIGNATED.
  19. Added notes information on a number of mappings above.

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This SDK is meant to be installed into an EDCS SDK installation. The files in this SDK should be extracted inside the EDCS SDK top level directory. If you have a previous installation of this SDK and you don't want to overwrite it, you should rename the "facc2p1_to_edcs4p1" directory to some other name.

This SDK is distributed as a GNU-zipped tar file for Unix systems and a Zip file in Win32 systems. In the discussions that follow, the "[root]" directory is the top directory of an SDK installation.

IMPORTANT:Extract the contents of the compressed file into the "[root]" directory of the EDCS SDK:

The extraction should have created a "facc2p1_to_edcs4p1" subdirectory in the "[root]" directory of the EDCS SDK if it didn't exist.

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Compiling, Linking, and Testing

This section describes the steps needed to compile, link, and test the software included in this SDK. Applications and/or libraries that use this SDK will need to refer to the EDCS SDK "[root]/include" directory for compilation, and the libraries in the EDCS SDK "[root]/lib" subdirectories for linking, since those are the places where all headers and libraries from this SDK are placed. The applications in this SDK are similarly placed in the EDCS SDK "[root]/bin" subdirectories.

IMPORTANT: In Win32, the libraries produced by this SDK depend on the EDCS SDK being compiled "static". So, before you compile this SDK, open the "vcpp_static" project workspace for VC++ in the EDCS SDK "[root]" directory, select your compile mode (either "Release" or "Debug"), and execute the command "Build->Rebuild All" if you haven't done so. In addition, for Win32, this SDK is compiled and linked statically against the supplied applications. There is currently no support to produce a Win32 DLL for this SDK.

To compile this SDK, follow these steps:


After installing this SDK as detailed in Installation, a "make" command in the EDCS SDK "[root]" directory will recursively go through the SDK directory structure and build all libraries and applications provided with the distribution using the default settings. For this release, the default settings are:

  • BIND_STATIC = no
  • USE_GNU = false (set to true under Linux)

These settings will compile the release using optimization and dynamic linking.


Follow these steps to build all the SDK libraries and applications:

  1. From Windows Explorer, locate and open (i.e., double click) the "win32_headers.bat" file in the "[root]" directory of this SDK installation. This step copies the header files for this SDK into the EDCS SDK "[root]/include" directory.

  2. Open the "vcpp_static.dsw" Visual C++ (VC++) project workspace file for this SDK.

  3. From the Visual C++ IDE, select "all_sdk" as your "Active Project" and "Release" or "Debug" for your "Active Configuration". For example, to compile in "Release" mode, choose "Build->Set Active Configuration..." and select the "all_sdk - Win32 Release" entry.

  4. From the "Build" menu, choose "Rebuild All".


  • You can build individual applications by making them the current "Active Project" ("Project->Set Active Project" menu), and choosing "Rebuild All".
  • The "Release" option is similar to the Unix Build Environment "OPT" option for the "BUILD_MODE" variable.

To run the applications included in this SDK, see Use Examples to learn about the applications, and follow the same steps as described in the EDCS SDK documentation section Testing the Build for setting your environment variables.

To build your own applications using this SDK, see the provided applications for examples on how to create appropriate Makefiles for Unix or VC++ Project files for Win32.

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SDK Documentation

The SDK Documentation is divided into the following areas:

Release Notes (this document)
Describes this release, its contents, and supported platforms and compilers.

FACC 2.1 to EDCS 4.1 Mapping Reference Manual
Provides links to detailed documents for SDK functions, capabilities, and applications in this SDK.

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Bug Reports and Feedback

Questions, comments, and bug reports should be sent to

If you are an associate, please send email to

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Web Pages

These links require Internet access.

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Copyright © 2006 SEDRIS