SEDRIS Reference Manual
APPENDIX A - Transmittal Access Level 0 API
 * STRUCT: SE_Hierarchy_Select_Parameters
 *   These parameters are used to determine which "branches" or "switches"
 *   to traverse from an <Aggregate Feature> or <Aggregate Geometry> instance
 *   encountered by a Component Iterator. They determine which branch will
 *   be followed based on the field values of the link object attached to
 *   that branch.
 *   If a certain class of aggregate instance is not given any selection
 *   controls, then all of the components of that class of aggregate
 *   instance will be traversed whenever an aggregate instance of that class
 *   is encountered.
 *     A set of values, one for each "type" of aggregate hierarchy instance,
 *     to indicate whether *any* of the branches from that class of instance
 *     should be traversed, and if so, whether *all* of the branches will
 *     be traversed, or whether the selection parameters for that "type"
 *     will be evaluated. See SE_General_Hierarchy_Select for more details.
 *     No parameters are specified for dealing with a <Perimeter Related
 *     Geometry> instance.  By default, all components of a <Perimeter Related
 *     Geometry> instance will be traversed (unless Perimeter Related is "masked
 *     out" by an SE_FALSE value in the general_hierarchy_mask struct, in which
 *     case, none of the components of a <Perimeter Related Geometry> will be
 *     searched).  In order to selectively limit the components traversed from
 *     a <Perimeter Related Geometry> instance, define and use a Spatial
 *     Search Boundary when initializing the Component Iterator.
 *   UNION:
 *     All components of a Union instance are always traversed (unless that
 *     type of Union is masked out by an SE_FALSE value in the
 *     general_hierarchy_mask struct, in which case none of the components
 *     for that type of Union are traversed).
 *   For all other types of <Aggregate Feature> and <Aggregate Geometry>,
 *   see the definitions for the appropriate _Parameters types used in
 *   the following structure.
typedef struct

SE_General_Hierarchy_Select general_hierarchy_mask;
SE_Alternate_Hierarchy_Parameters alternate_hierarchy_branches;
SE_Animation_Select_Parameters animation_branches;
SE_Classification_Parameters classification_branches;
SE_Continuous_LOD_Select_Parameters continuous_lod_branches;
SE_LOD_Select_Parameters lod_branches;
SE_Octant_Select_Parameters octant_branches;
SE_Quadrant_Select_Parameters quadrant_branches;
SE_Separating_Plane_Select_Parameters separating_plane_branches;
SE_Spatial_Index_Parameters spatial_index_branches;
SE_State_Select_Parameters state_branches;
SE_Time_Select_Parameters time_branches;
} SE_Hierarchy_Select_Parameters;

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Last updated: July 26, 2006 Copyright © 2006 SEDRIS