SEDRIS Reference Manual
APPENDIX A - Transmittal Access Level 0 API
 * STRUCT: SE_Cylindrical_Volume_Extent_Entry
 *   This data type specifies a cylindrical
 *   <Volume LOD Data> instance.
typedef struct

SE_Cylindrical_Volume_Extent_Fields cylinder;1
SE_Reference_Vector_Fields reference_vectors[2];2
} SE_Cylindrical_Volume_Extent_Entry;

Field Notes


Specifies the dimensions of the cylinder, the axes of which are specified by the entries of reference_vectors.


The vector_type of reference_vectors[0] shall be SE_REFVEC_MAJOR_AXIS, while that of reference_vectors[1] shall be SE_REFVEC_MINOR_AXIS.

Consequently, <Property Value> information is not needed for the entries of reference_vectors.

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Last updated: July 26, 2006 Copyright © 2006 SEDRIS