Checker User's Guide
Section 2 - CHECKER

Constraint Checking Details
<<Animation Related Organizing Principle>> Full

Part (a) is checked by syntax_checker.

Part (b) is checked by rules_checker.

<<Characteristics Of Property Table Reference>> Full

Checked by rules_checker.

<<Classification Data Constraints>> Partial

The portions involving direct attachment and inheritance from a classification related aggregate are checked by rules_checker.

<<Colour Mapping Constraints>> Partial

Part (a) is checked by syntax_checker.

Parts (b), (c), and (d) are not checked.

<<Colour Table Size>> Full Checked by rules_checker.
<<Conformal Behaviour Constraints>> None


<<Constraints On Associates>> Partial

Checked for <Interface Template> associations to <Variable> instances.

<<Constraints On Components>> None  
<<Contained Edge Constraints>> None  
<<Contained Node Constraints>> None  
<<Continuous LOD Constraints>> Partial

Part (a) is checked by rules_checker. Part (b) is not checked.

<<Control Link Constraints>> Partial

Syntax checker enforces some of the field value constraints, rules checker enforces others.

<<Cylindrical Structure>> Partial

Part (a) is checked by rules_checker. Part (b) is not checked.

<<Distinct Geometric Centre>> None


<<Distinct Link Objects>> Partial

Checked by rules_checker for the following classes:

Still unchecked:

<<Distinct Time Significance>> Full

Checked by rules_checker.

<<Edges Bordering Faces>> Partial

Part (a)2 is checked by rules_checker.

<<Environment Root SRF>> Partial

All parts are checked by rules_checker, although 'extended' coordinates are not allowed for.

<<Face Direction Levels 0 3>> Partial

Checked by rules_checker for the relationship between <Feature Face> and <Areal Feature>.

<<Face Ring Edge Consistency>> Full

Checked by rules_checker.

<<Faces Bordering Volumes>> Partial

Checked by rules_checker (the association from <Feature Face> to <Feature Volume> required by SE_FTL_FIVE).

<<Feature Edge Constraints>> Partial

Part (a) is checked by rules_checker.

Parts (b) through (f) are not checked.

<<Finite Element Mesh Structure>> Partial

Part (a) is checked by syntax_checker.

Part (b) is checked by rules_checker.

Parts (c) through (f) are not checked.

<<General Axis Constraints>> Partial

Part (a) is checked by syntax_checker.

Part (b) is checked by syntax_checker, except that the scale restriction for (b)4 is not checked.

Part (c) is checked by syntax_checker, except that the scale restriction for (c)3 is not checked.

Part (d) is checked by syntax_checker, except that the scale restriction for (d)4 is not checked.

<<Hierarchy Summary Constraints>> Partial

Part (a) is checked by syntax_checker.

Parts (b), (c), and (d) are checked by rules_checker.

Part (e) is checked by rules_checker to the extent that the associates shall match the class value, but does not check the DRM Class and EDCS Usage summary information against the structure being summarized.

<<Homogeneous Light Rendering Properties>> Full

Checked by rules_checker.

<<Image Anchor SRF>> Partial

Checked by rules_checker, except that collinearity is not checked, and for non-planar projections the orthogonal axes constraint is not checked.

<<Image Mapping Functions and Texture Coordinates>> None  
<<Index Codes within Tables>> Partial

Part (a) is checked by rules_checker.

<<Inheritance Rule For Location>> None


<<Legal Time Ranges>> Full

Checked by syntax_checker.

<<Linear Geometry Structure>> Partial

Part (a) is checked by syntax_checker.

Part (b) is checked by rules_checker.

Parts (c) and (d) are not checked.

<<LOD Related Organizing Principle>> Partial

Part (a) is checked by rules_checker.

Parts (b) and (c) are not checked.

<<LSR Transformation Components>> Partial

The rules_checker utility verifies that the presence of the components conforms with the constraint, but if both representations are present, does not check that they are mathematically equivalent.

<<Mandatory Metadata>> Partial

The syntax_checker utility enforces this constraint, except for the following:

  • URN validation
  • email address validation
  • web_site validation
<<Model Reference Type Constraints>> Partial

Part (a) is checked by rules_checker.

Part (b).1 is not checked.

Part (b).2 is checked by syntax_checker.

<<Model SRF>> Partial

Part (a) is partially checked. Part (a).1 is not checked, while part (a).2 is checked by syntax_checker.

Part (b) is not checked.

Part (c) is checked by rules_checker.

<<Nested Primitive Geometry>> Partial

The constraints affecting <Finite Element Mesh>, <Polyhedron>, and <Volume Object> are not checked.

<<Non Cyclic Aggregations>> None  
<<Non Empty Environment Root Instance>> Full

Checked by rules_checker.

<<Non Empty Model Instance>> Full

Checked by rules_checker.

<<Non Overlapping DRM Class Summary Item Instances>> Full

Checked by rules_checker, which checks whether the list is overlapping. However, currently rules_checker does not guarantee that the DRM class summary actually corresponds to the data being summarized.

<<Non Self Overlapping Perimeter Data Locations>> Partial

Checked by rules_checker, which checks only whether the <Perimeter Data> <Location> components specify distinct locations in space.

<<Octant Related Organizing Principle>> Partial

Partially checked by rules_checker, which currently ensures that the required <Spatial Extent> instances are present, but not that their relationships with one another are compliant.

<<Parallelepiped Structure>> Full

Checked by rules_checker.

<<Perimeter Related Organizing Principle>> None


<<Polygon As Bounded Plane>> Partial

Part (a) is checked by rules_checker.

<<Polyhedron Structure>> None


<<Precedence of Property Set Index>> None

Not applicable; this is not a checkable constraint but rather specifies precedence for operations.

<<Presentation Domain Constraints>> Partial

rules_checker checks this constraint, but does not check whether the <Presentation Domain> components of sibling <Colour> instances are distinct or whether those of sibling <Image Mapping Function> instances are distinct.

<<Primitive Summary Item Constraints>> Partial

Part (a) is checked by syntax_checker.

<<Property Characteristic Constraints>> Partial

Part (a) is not checked.

Part (b) is checked by syntax_checker.

Part (c).1 is checked by rules_checker.

<<Property Constraints>> Partial

Part (a) is checked by syntax_checker.

Parts (b) and (c) are partially checked by rules_checker, but only where the meaning field values are specified by EDCS Attribute Codes.

<<Property Grid Constraints>> None


<<Property Set Table Size>> Full

Checked by rules_checker.

<<Publishable Object>> None

This is enforced by SE_PublishObject().

<<Quadrant Related Organizing Principle>> Partial

Part (a) is checked by rules_checker.

Part (b).1 is partially checked.

Part (c) is checked by syntax_checker and rules_checker.

<<Required Reference Vector Location>> Full

Checked by rules_checker.

<<Separating Plane Related Organizing Principle>> Partial

Part (a) is checked by rules_checker, which also checks that each <Separating Plane> is specified by three distinct positions.

<<Spatial Axis Constraints>> Partial

Part (a) is a definition of spatial <Axis> rather than a checkable constraint. Parts (b), (c), and (d) are checked by rules_checker.

<<Spatial Index Related Organizing Principle>> Partial

Part (a) is checked by syntax_checker, apart from (a).3.3, which is not checked.

Part (b) is not checked.

<<State Related Organizing Principle>> Partial

Parts (a) and (b) are checked by syntax_checker.

Part (c) is not checked.

<<Table Property Description Constraints>> Partial

Checked by syntax_checker, except for the scale restrictions in part (c). Uniqueness within a given <Data Table> instance is checked by rules_checker.

<<Time Dependency>> Full

Part (e) is checked by syntax_checker, the rest by rules_checker.

<<Time Interval Calculation>> Full

Checked by rules_checker.

<<Union Organizing Principle>> Partial

Checked by syntax_checker, except for the second part of (d), which is not checked.

<<Valid Node Edge Relationships>> Full

The checkable portion (that which is not defined by the syntax) is checked by rules_checker.

<<Variable Meaning Constraints>> Partial

Checked by syntax_checker, apart from the scale restrictions in part (c) which are not checked.

<<Volume Shell Face Consistency>> Full

Checked by rules_checker.

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