The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX B - Constraints
Conformal Behaviour Constraints


For every <Conformal Behaviour> instance C, the following constraints shall apply.

  1. Where C is a component of a <Geometry Hierarchy> instance G, one of the following shall apply:

    1. If G is part of the component tree of an <Environment Root> instance, G shall be specified within a context in which a <Reference Surface> instance R applies, where the (possibly qualified) classification of C matches that of R.

    2. If G is part of the component tree of a <Model> instance M, any <Geometry Model Instance> instance or <Feature Model Instance> instance that instantiates M shall be specified in a context in which a <Reference Surface> instance R applies, where the (possibly qualified) classification of C matches that of R.

    3. C shall not be a component of a <Geometry Hierarchy> instance G that does not comply with either a.1 or a.2.

  2. If C is a component of a <Point> instance P, any <Union Of Primitive Geometry> instance of which P is a component shall comply with a.

  3. If C is a component of a <Vertex> instance V, any <Union Of Primitive Geometry> instance U for which V appears in the component tree of U is a component shall comply with a.


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