4.1 |
<Control Link>
Subclasses That Turn On and Off
4.2 |
<State Control Link>
4.2.1 |
Overview |
A state-related aggregation represents something that can assume multiple
states; each branch of the aggregation represents a particular state. The
state-related aggregation object itself specifies the state being describe
with its state_tag field. The state is one of a special set of EDCS
Attributes that are designated as "state applicable".
Each branch of the aggregation has a
<State Data> link object, specifying the value of the state
associated with that branch.
4.2.2 |
<State Control Link>
to a
<State Related Geometry> |
Consider a specific building represented by a
<State Related Geometry> instance. The data provider in this
example has chosen to model 4 damage states: 0% damaged, 25% damaged,
50% damaged, and 100% damaged (totally destroyed).
This indicates that the 'default' state of the aggregation is 0%
damage, that is, completely undamaged. The branches'
<State Data>
link objects have the following field values (meanings given in the
bottom row).
0% | 25% | 50% | 100% |
building's OK | some damage |
heavy damage | a little pile of rubble |
Generally speaking, any state-related aggregation should be produced
with an appropriate
<State Control Link> component. After all,
if a data provider has created an object that can assume one of multiple
states, it only seems reasonable to provide the mechanism to change
between states; why would a producer go to the trouble of representing
multiple states of an object if only the default state could ever be used?
Consequently, the building example needs a
<State Control Link>
to allow the use of states other than the default of 0% damage.
The <State Control Link>
component controls the
by providing a connection between it and the controlling
so that the
active_state_value changes to specify which branch of the
aggregation is currently active. Since active_state_value is the only
controlled field in a state-related aggregation, the
<State Control Link>
should have exactly 1
<Expression> component, and therefore its
expr_index field value would be 1.
In this example, the
<Expression> is a
<Variable>, so that
whatever value is plugged into the
<Variable> when the
<State Related Geometry>
is instanced is then fed into the
Suppose that a value of 25% is supplied to the
The aggregate then changes state to 25% damage. Then
more damage is done, so that the damage is updated to 45%. This
presents a problem, because the data provider has specified each
branch with a single matching value, and 45% is not covered by
any of the branches. At this point, the mismatch_behaviour of
the <State Control Link>
comes into play. Since its value
SE_STMISMBEH_LAST, the aggregation will remain in the
25% damage state.
There are two other possible choices for mismatch_behaviour, but
they are not appropriate for this example.
SE_STMISMBEH_DEFAULT would have reset the aggregate to its default
state (that provided by the original unmodified active_state_value), namely,
0% damage. The effect would be that 45% damage would magically appear to
return the building to its intact state, as for that matter, would 99%
damage, or any other value not covered by the branches of the aggregation.
This would seem rather peculiar to the end user. The other possible choice,
SE_STMISMBEH_NONE, acts as an 'off' state. The building would seem
to disappear completely if none of the branches matched, then reappear
when a matching value occurred. If that had been specified, 5% damage would
make the building disappear from sight, but 25% damage would make it reappear,
making life rather bizarre for the end user.
4.3 |
Customizing or Dynamically Changing Appearance
4.3.1 |
<Control Link>
Subclasses for the Subclasses of
<Colour Data>
<CMY Colour Control Link>,
<HSV Colour Control Link>, and
<RGB Colour Control Link> serve exactly the same purposes for
their respective colour models. An understanding of the operation of any
of the three is an understanding of the principles underlying the
operation of all three. Consequently, this section will describe the
operation of
<RGB Colour Control Link> only, with the understanding that
the explanation applies to the other two classes in principle.
<RGB Colour Control Link> provides control over the
red, green, and blue fields of the target
<RGB Colour> instances.
A data provider is not required to provide control over all
three fields. If any of the link fields within an
<RGB Colour Control Link> instance is zero, that indicates that
the corresponding target field is not controlled.
<RGB Colour>
instances within the context of a
<Colour Table>
shall not have
<RGB Colour Control Link> components, because a
<Colour Table>
does not provide an
<Interface Template> to
allow values to be supplied for
<Variable> instances. Data consumers
need only concern themselves with
<RGB Colour Control Link> instances
in the context of <Model>
and <Environment Root>
instances, and even in that case primarily with the former rather than
the latter.
A data provider may wish to provide control over the colour of a
<Model>, so that every
<Geometry Model Instance> of that
<Model> can be given a different
colour, allowing the user of the
<Model> to vary the appearance of model instances without
being forced to replicate many
<Model> instances that differ only in colour. As another
example, a <Model> representing a
car may be designed for an environment in which thermal colours are a
consideration. In this case, the user might need the ability to change
the colour of the car dynamically, as the engine heats up from a cold
start or as the engine cools down after being shut off.
4.3.2 |
<Translucency Control Link> |
<Translucency Control Link> provides control over the
translucency_value field of a
<Translucency> instance. This allows such visual effects as
fading in puddles based on the precipitation rate.
4.3.3 |
<Texture Coordinate Control Link>
<Texture Coordinate Control Link> provides control over the
s and
t fields of a
<Texture Coordinate>.
The producer is not required to provide control over both
fields. If either of the link fields within a
<Texture Coordinate Control Link> instance
s_expr_index or
t_expr_index) is zero, that indicates that the corresponding
target field is not controlled.
4.4 |
<Control Link> Subclasses for Table Indices
4.5 |
<LSR 3D Location Control Link>
<LSR 3D Location Control Link> provides control over the u, v,
and w fields of the coordinate fields of the target
<LSR 3D Location>
instances. Data providers are not required to provide control
over all three fields. If any of the link fields within an
<LSR Location 3D Control Link>
v_expr_index, or
w_expr_index) is zero, that indicates that the corresponding target
field value is not controlled.
For example, consider an
<LSR 3D Location> in a
<Model> representing a building, where the location
represents a point at the foundation of the building. In this case,
the data provider wishes to be able to conform each instance of the
<Model> to
the terrain on which it is instanced, so that the bottom of the
building rests on the terrain, regardless of whether the terrain is
flat or hilly. The
<LSR 3D Location> is provided with an
<LSR 3D Location Control Link> that specifies zero for the u and
v values of the target, but a controlling
<Variable> for the
w value.
4.6 |
<Reference Vector Control Link>
<Reference Vector Control Link> provides control over the
field values of the target
<Reference Vector> instances.
Data providers are not required to provide control over all
three entries of the unit vector. If any of the link fields within
<Reference Vector Control Link>
v1_expr_index, and
v2_expr_index) is zero, that indicates that the corresponding
target is not controlled.
One possible use of a
<Reference Vector Control Link> is to
specify the normal vector of a
<Polygon> instance. Another
possible use is to control a
<Reference Vector> of type
SE_REF_VEC_TYP_LIGHT_DIRECTION, to allow the user to control
the direction of the light.
4.7 |
<Control Link>
Subclasses for Subclasses of
<LSR Transformation Step>
4.7.1 |
<Rotation Control Link>
<Rotation Control Link> provides control over the
angle field
values of the target
<Rotation> instances. In addition,
<Rotation Control Link>
is specialized to provide control
over the upper limit and / or lower limit of the rotation angle,
although a data provider is not required to provide control over
all three target fields. If any of the link field values within a
<Rotation Control Link> instance is zero, then the corresponding
target field value is not controlled.
An example of the use of
<Rotation Control Link> is to specify
physical constraints on the rotation of a moving part (as well as to
allow the part to rotate in the first place). Consider a robot with
a jointed 'arm', where the joint acts like a human elbow: the 'forearm'
can be rotated for a range of 90 degrees about the axis of the
elbow joint, but there are upper and lower limits to the angle of
rotation where the joint would have to be broken to permit any
further rotation.
An example where rotation might be provided without limits can be
provided by considering a weathervane. A weathervane can rotate
about its axis, but has no physical limits on its rotation, so
it does not have to be modelled with constraints on the amount
of rotation.
As an example, consider a <Model>
of a rotating weather vane, such that the weather vane turns to match
the wind direction. The <Model>
therefore has an
<LSR Transformation> on its top-level geometry
to represent the rotation - that is, the
<LSR Transformation>
has a <Rotation> component.
However, the rotation angle is determined by the wind
direction, which is not a fixed value, and is not
the same at different locations in the world. Each
instance of the weather vane needs to have an
independent rotation. Consequently, the
<Rotation> has a
<Rotation Control Link> component that
changes the angle value of the
<Rotation> to match the wind direction. The controlling
of the
<Rotation Control Link> is therefore a
<Variable> with a
meaning of
This <Variable> is
associated by the <Model>'s
<Interface Template>
so that each instance of the model can plug in the appropriate value,
in this case the wind direction at that point.
4.7.2 |
<Translation Control Link>
<Translation Control Link> provides control over the
translation_amount field of the target
instances. Specifically,
<Translation Control Link> is
specialized to provide control over the amount of translation,
together with control over the lower limit of that amount
and / or control over the upper limit. A data provider is not
required to provide control over all three field values. If any of
the link field values within a
<Translation Control Link>
instance is zero, that indicates that the corresponding target
field is not controlled.
An example of the use of a
<Translation Control Link> is to
specify physical constraints on the motion of a moving part. For instance,
a building <Model> may
contain an elevator that can move up or down an elevator shaft.
The elevator has physical limits on how far it can translate up or
down without smashing into the top of the shaft or plunging through
the bottom, so it requires upper and lower limits on the amount of
As another example, consider a robot with an 'arm' that can be
extended or retracted from its 'body'. The arm has physical limits
on how far it can be extended without 'floating' away from the robot's
body, and how far it can be retracted into the robot without 'breaking'
the model. Consequently, it requires upper and lower limits on the
amount of translation.
4.7.3 |
<Scale Control Link>
<Scale Control Link>
provides control over the
scale_amount field
of the target <Scale>
instances. As with
<Control Links> for translation and roation,
<Scale Control Link>
is specialized to provide control over the
upper and lower limits of the scale, as well as the scale itself.
4.8 |
<Polygon Control Link>
<Polygon Control Link>
provides control over some of the individual flags within the
polygon_flags fields of the
target <Polygon> instances:
hat test, collidible, invisible, and laser range finding. Since
is a set rather than a single value, in which each flag may be set
to on or off, each flag that can be controlled has a
corresponding link field in
<Polygon Control Link>,
and specifies
a controlling <Expression>
that is evaluated as a boolean,
to determine whether the corresponding flag should be set or unset.
Note that only some of the flags may be controlled, but this is only
because there have been no user requirements to control any of the
other flags. If any such requirements arise, the SEDRIS team would be
happy to consider any change requests.