The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes Geometric Centre |
An instance of this DRM class specifies the semantics of a location related to an <Aggregate Geometry> instance.
Consider a <Model> instance S providing a geometric representation of an environmental object classified as an ECC_SAILING_VESSEL as depicted in Figure 18, where the srf_context_info of S is specified to be LSR 3D.
If S is instanced in a simulation where S is considered to be floating on water, the effects of the force of the water upon S can be computed for the <Geometric Centre> instance with meaning = SE_GEOMCTRCOD_CENTRE_OF_BUOYANCY to determine how they apply to S as a whole.
Consider a <Model> instance G providing a geometric representation of an environmental object classified as an ECC_GROUND_VEHICLE as depicted in Figure 19, where the srf_context_info of G is specified to be LSR 3D.
If G is instanced in a simulation where G is considered to be in a gravitational field, the effects of gravity upon G can be computed for the <Geometric Centre> instance with meaning = SE_GEOMCTRCOD_CENTRE_OF_MASS to determine how they apply to G as a whole.
Consider a <Model> instance P providing a geometric representation of an environmental object classified as an ECC_AIRCRAFT as depicted in Figure 20, where the srf_context_info of P is specified to be LSR 3D.
If P is instanced in a simulation where P is considered to be in the air, the effects of the force of the air upon P can be computed for the <Geometric Centre> instance with meaning = SE_GEOMCTRCOD_CENTRE_OF_PRESSURE to determine how they apply to P as a whole.
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The meaning field specifies the semantics of the <Location 3D> component of the <Geometric Centre> instance.