SEDRIS Reference Manual
APPENDIX B - Transmittal Access Level 1 API
SE RearrangeImageData
extern SE_Status_Code
constSE_Image_Fields *image_fields_ptr, (notes)
constSE_Image_Data *data_in_ptr, (notes)
SE_Integer_Unsigned start_texel_horizontal, (notes)
SE_Integer_Unsigned start_texel_vertical, (notes)
SE_Integer_Unsigned start_texel_z, (notes)
SE_Integer_Unsigned stop_texel_horizontal, (notes)
SE_Integer_Unsigned stop_texel_vertical, (notes)
SE_Integer_Unsigned stop_texel_z, (notes)
SE_Short_Integer_Unsigned mip_level, (notes)
constSE_Desired_Image_Parameters *desired_image_parameters_ptr, (notes)
SE_Image_Data *data_out_ptr (notes)


Used by SE_GetRearrangedImageData() to rearrange the image data as specified by the SE_Desired_Image_Parameters structure. It is exposed to the user so that image data previously obtained by a call to SE_GetRearrangedImageData() or SE_GetImageData() (or even user-created image data) can be rearranged without a new call to the functions mentioned above.

This function requires information about how the image data passed in is arranged. Consequently, the user must fill and pass in an appropriate <SE_Image_Fields> structure by either an explicit allocation or by obtaining one from an <Image> object (this last is what the function SE_GetRearrangedImageData does).

This function only rearranges the specified mip_level.


SE_STAT_CODE_SUCCESS and the appropriate values are placed in *data_out_ptr, if valid parameters were passed in.
SE_STAT_CODE_INACTIONABLE_FAILURE and *data_out_ptr is not affected,
  1. if image_fields_ptr is invalid,
  2. if any start or stop texels were invalid for image_fields_ptr,
  3. desired_image_parameters_ptr is invalid,
  4. the source image signature (in image_fields_ptr) is invalid, or
  5. if the requested image is a floating-point image in which one of the texel components is computed to be neither SE_Float nor SE_Long_Float

Parameters Notes


 the fields of the <Image> whose data is pointed to by
    data_in_ptr; this structure describes how the data pointed to by the
    the data_in_ptr is organized.


 the source image data (possibly obtained from
    SE_GetImageData()); a pointer to a block of memory, already allocated
    in the user's memory space, which contain the image data to be
    rearranged. This memory space is entirely under the user's control.
    The only time the API accesses this memory is when the API reads the
    image data during this function call.


 the starting texel index (horizontal) of the
    <Image> data to be retrieved; must be less than or equal to
    stop_texel_horizontal, and must be valid for the specified MIP level
    of the <Image> instance.


 the starting texel index (vertical) of the
    <Image> data to be retrieved; must be less than or equal to
    stop_texel_vertical, and must be valid for the specified MIP level
    of the <Image> instance.


 the starting texel index (z) of the <Image> data to be
    retrieved; must be less than or equal to stop_texel_z. For a 2-D
    <Image>, start_texel_z will be ignored; otherwise, it must be valid for
    the specified MIP level of the <Image> instance.


 the stopping texel index (horizontal) of the
    <Image> data to be retrieved; must be greater than or equal to
    start_texel_horizontal, and must be valid for the specified MIP level
    of the <Image>.


 the stopping texel index (vertical) of the
    <Image> data to be retrieved; must be greater than or equal to
    start_texel_vertical, and must be valid for the specified MIP level
    of the <Image>.


 the stopping texel index (z) of the <Image> data to be
    retrieved; must be greater than or equal to start_texel_z. For a 2-D
    <Image>, stop_texel_z will be ignored; otherwise, it must be valid for
    the specified MIP level of the <Image>.


 the MIP level of the <Image> from which the data will be
    returned.  Each <Image> has at least one MIP level.  Many <Images> have
    multiple MIP levels.  Data can only be retrieved from one MIP level
    at a time (only one MIP level per SE_GetImageData() call).


 a pointer to a structure containing the
    "rearranging" parameters that the user must supply to rearrange the
    the image data that was passed in.


 the results; a pointer to a block of memory,
    already allocated in the user's memory space, which will be filled
    by this function with the appropriate values.  This memory space
    is entirely under the user's control.  The only time that the API
    accesses this memory is when the API copies data into the memory
    during this function call.

Prev: SE_PrintDesiredImageParameters. Next: SE_RemoveObjectAndLinks. Up:Index.

Last updated: July 16, 2004 Copyright © 2004 SEDRIS