SEDRIS Reference Manual
APPENDIX A - Transmittal Access Level 0 API
SE AddAssociateRelationship
extern SE_Return_Code
SE_Object from_object, (notes)
SE_Object to_object, (notes)
SE_Object link_object, (notes)
SE_Boolean make_two_way (notes)


Add an association relationship from from_object to to_object provided that the following criteria are met.

  1. Either from_object or to_object shall be a resolved object, or both shall be resolved objects. If both from_object and to_object are resolved, then link_object (if provided) shall be a resolved object; otherwise, link_object may be unresolved.
  2. from_object shall reside in a transmittal that has been explicitly opened with either SE_AC_MODE_CREATE or SE_AC_MODE_UPDATE.
  3. to_object if not in the same transmittal as from_object, shall be a published object.
  4. link_object, if not in the same transmittal as from_object, shall be a published object.
It should be noted that relationships between objects in different transmittals are NOT implicitly bi-directional, so the make_two_way parameter will have an effect in inter-transmittal referencing only if: If only the from_object is resolved, then the association can only be one way.


SE_RET_CODE_SUCCESS and the requested association relationship is added, if valid parameters were passed in and all operations succeeded.
SE_RET_CODE_FAILURE and the status code is set appropriately if the call failed.

Status Codes

SE_Status_Code(s) when SE_RET_CODE_SUCCESS is returned:

SE_STAT_CODE_SUCCESS set upon successful completion.

SE_Status_Code(s) when SE_RET_CODE_FAILURE is returned:

SE_STAT_CODE_UNPUBLISHED_OBJECT set upon failure because to_object is in another transmittal than from_object, but is not published by that transmittal (or vice-versa) and the make_two_way flag is set.
SE_STAT_CODE_UNRESOLVED_INPUT_OBJECT set upon failure because:
  1. both from_object and to_object are unresolved, or
  2. link_object is non-NULL, unresolved, and the from_object and to_object are both resolved.
SE_STAT_CODE_INVALID_ACCESS_MODE set upon failure because:
  1. from_object (and link_object if specified) is in a transmittal that is open in SE_AC_MODE_READ_ONLY mode;
  2. to_object is in a transmittal that has not been opened for writing or modification, so no association could be created from to_object.
SE_STAT_CODE_INACTIONABLE_FAILURE set upon failure because:
  1. make_two_way was true and the DRM defines the relationship as bidirectional, but to_object is unresolved, so no association could be created from to_object to from_object;
  2. the DRM does not define a valid association relationship between the classes instanced by to_object and from_object;
  3. the relationship defined between to_object and from_object requires a link_object, but the link_object supplied was not of the class specified for the relationship;
  4. the relationship defined between to_object and from_object does not take a link_object, but one was supplied;
  5. or the function fails for any other reason.

Parameters Notes


 object to which an association relationship is being added


 associate object being connected


 the link object that will be traversed to reach the
     associate object, if applicable


 if true, then if the DRM defines the association as a
    bidirectional association and both the from_object and to_object
    are resolved, then the other half of the association (to_object ->
    from_object) is also created by this function.

Next: SE_AddComponentRelationship. Up:Index.

Last updated: July 16, 2004 Copyright © 2004 SEDRIS