The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX D - Functions
SE CloneString
extern SE_DRM_Status_Code
constSE_String *src_ptr, (notes)
SE_String *dest_ptr (notes)


Clones the data from *src_ptr into *dest_ptr, by allocating memory for any necessary internal pointers within *dest_ptr, then populating *dest_ptr with data from *src_ptr.


  1. Because some of the fields contained in the data structure are pointers to dynamically allocated memory, it is HIGHLY INADVISABLE to use a member-wise structure copy in order to duplicate an SE_String structure. In order to reliably duplicate this data, developers should use the SE_CloneString() function.

  2. The caller is responsible for calling SE_FreeString() to free the internal pointers allocated within *dest_ptr.


SE_DRM_STAT_CODE_SUCCESS and memory is allocated for any dynamically allocated data within the structure, and it is populated with data copied from *src_ptr, if valid parameters were passed in.
SE_DRM_STAT_CODE_NULL_REQUIRED_PARAMETER and *dest_ptr is left unchanged, if dest_ptr or src_ptr was NULL.
SE_DRM_STAT_CODE_FAILURE and *dest_ptr is set to its (empty) default value, if the API could not allocate the memory for the dynamically allocated memory it should refer to.

Parameters Notes


 the string that is to be duplicated


 a pointer to an SE_String structure within memory managed by
    the caller.  Non-dynamically allocated fields in this structure will
    be directly populated with data from the input fields.  Dynamically
    allocated data will be allocated by this function, then copied from
    the input structure.

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Last updated: July 16, 2004 Copyright © 2004 SEDRIS