The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX B - Constraints
Mandatory Metadata


The following table lists meta-data classes. When these classes are instanced, at least the designated fields shall be populated.


The classification portion of the security field shall be a non-empty string.

Consider an <Access> instance A.

<Browse Media>

name shall be a non-empty string

media_urn shall be a non-empty string in the form of a valid URN

<Citation> title shall be a non-empty string

abstract shall be a non-empty string

An instance of <Description> that is a component of a <Transmittal Root> shall have at least one <Keywords> component.


All the <Keywords> components of a given object instance shall have distinct type codes. Within a given <Keywords> instance, the entries of the keyword_array shall be distinct.


An instance of <Lineage> shall specify at least one of the following:

<Responsible Party>

email_address shall be a non-empty string (still complies with existing constraint that it's a syntactically valid email address)

(still complies with the existing constraint that the web_site, now the online_resource's location, shall specify a syntactically valid URL)

The locale of each SE_String field shall be specified using the same country code as that used by the address, except that email_address entries shall be syntactically valid email addresses (with locales set accordingly).

At least one of the following fields shall contain a non-empty string: individual_name, position_name, or organization_name.

<Process Step>

Given an instance P of <Process Step>, the following conditions shall hold.


<Source> description shall be a non-empty string


This is consistent with the ISO/DIS 19115 Metadata Standard.


No Example supplied.


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Last updated: July 16, 2004 Copyright © 2004 SEDRIS