The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes Absolute Time |
An instance of this DRM class specifies an absolute time (that is, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), which is not relative to some other point in time).
<Absolute Time> provides
Consider a SEDRIS transmittal constructed from a historical database, in which the time at which an event happened is recorded as Oct 3 17:56:47 GMT 1994. In the SEDRIS transmittal, this information is specified by an <Absolute Time> instance with time_significance = SE_TIME_SIGNIF_OCCURRENCE, as follows.
time_significance | = | SE_TIME_SIGNIF_OCCURRENCE |
time_value. value.ymd_hms. year | = | 1994 |
time_value. value.ymd_hms. month | = | SE_MONTH_OCTOBER |
time_value. value.ymd_hms. day_of_month | = | 3 |
time_value. value.ymd_hms. hour | = | 17 |
time_value. value.ymd_hms. minutes | = | 56 |
time_value. value.ymd_hms. seconds | = | 47.0 |
Consider a SEDRIS transmittal for which the data provider wishes to represent the date and time when the transmittal was created - in this example, Mar 23 15:18:33 GMT 2003. In this case, the data provider would create an <Absolute Time> instance with time_significance = SE_TIME_SIGNIF_CREATION_DATE and the other field values set appropriately, as follows.
time_significance | = | SE_TIME_SIGNIF_CREATION_DATE |
time_value. configuration | = | SE_TIME_CFG_DATE_YMD_AND_TIME_HMS |
time_value. value.ymd_hms. year | = | 2003 |
time_value. value.ymd_hms. month | = | SE_MONTH_MARCH |
time_value. value.ymd_hms. day_of_month | = | 23 |
time_value. value.ymd_hms. hour | = | 15 |
time_value. value.ymd_hms. minutes | = | 18 |
time_value. value.ymd_hms. seconds | = | 33.0 |
This <Absolute Time> instance would then be attached as a component of the transmittal's <Transmittal Root>.
The date and time of observations.
No FAQs supplied.
SE_Time_Significance | time_significance; | (notes) |
SE_Time_Value | time_value; | (notes) |
The time_significance field specifies the significance of the time information.
The time_value field specifies the time value.