The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX B - Constraints
Index Codes within Tables


1. No <Property> instance, other than a <Table Property Description>, shall have an SE_Index_Code meaning value.

Consider a <Data Table> instance DT, with a component <Table Property Description> instance X, where X has a meaning value of SE_INDEX_CODE_DATA_TABLE_LIBRARY.

For each corresponding cell value N in the <Data Table> instance DT, if N is not a sentinel value for missing or excluded, N is an index into the ordered set of <Data Table> components of a <Data Table Library> where

2.1 The transmittal in which the <Data Table> DT resides shall have a <Data Table Library> L,
2.2 The <Data Table Library> L shall have at least N ordered <Data Table> components,
2.3 The Nth <Data Table> component of the <Data Table Library> L shall have a <Classification Data>, the tag of which matches the component_data_table_ecc of the <Table Property Description> instance X.
2.3.1 If the <Classification Data> of the referenced Nth <Data Table> has no component <Property Values>, the <Table Property Description> instance X shall have none.
2.3.2 If the <Classification Data> of the referenced Nth <Data Table> has j component <Property Values>, the <Table Property Description> instance X shall have exactly j matching <Property Values>.

Consider a <Data Table> instance DT, with a component <Table Property Description> instance X, where X has a meaning value of SE_INDEX_CODE_DATA_TABLE_COMPONENT.

For each corresponding cell value N in the <Data Table> instance DT, if N is not a sentinel value for missing or excluded, N is an index into the ordered set of <Data Table> components of DT, where

3.1 The <Data Table> DT shall have at least N ordered <Data Table> components,
3.2 The Nth <Data Table> component of DT shall have a <Classification Data>, the tag of which matches the component_data_table_ecc of the <Table Property Description> instance X.
3.2.1 If the <Classification Data> of the referenced Nth <Data Table> has no component <Property Values>, the <Table Property Description> instance X shall have none.
3.2.2 If the <Classification Data> of the referenced Nth <Data Table> has j component <Property Values>, the <Table Property Description> instance X shall have exactly j matching <Property Values>.

Consider a <Data Table> instance DT, with a component <Table Property Description> instance X, where X has a meaning value of SE_INDEX_CODE_PROP_TABLE_REF_COMPONENT.

For each corresponding cell value N in the <Data Table> instance DT, if N is not a sentinel value for missing or excluded, N is an index into the ordered set of <Property Table Reference> components of DT, where

4.1 The <Data Table> DT shall have at least N ordered <Property Table Reference> components,
4.2 The Nth <Property Table Reference> component of DT shall refer to a <Property Table> such that its <Classification Data> tag matches the component_data_table_ecc of the <Table Property Description> instance X.
4.2.1 If the <Classification Data> of the referenced <Property Table> has no component <Property Values>, the <Table Property Description> instance X shall have none.
4.2.2 If the <Classification Data> of the referenced <Property Table> has j component <Property Values>, the <Table Property Description> instance X shall have exactly j matching <Property Values>.
5. A <Table Property Description> instance which is not covered by 2, 3, or 4 above shall have no <Property Value> components.

Consider a <Data Table> instance DT, with a component <Table Property Description> instance X, where X has a meaning value of SE_INDEX_CODE_IMAGE_MAPPING_FUNCTION.

For each corresponding cell value N in the <Data Table> instance DT, if N is not a sentinel value for missing or excluded, N is an index into the ordered set of <Image Mapping Function> components of DT, where the <Data Table> DT shall have at least N ordered <Image Mapping Function> components.


  1. The SE_Index_Code enumerants that exist to allow cells within <Data Table> instances to reference <Data Table Library> component <Data Table>, component <Data Table>, component <Property Table Reference>, and component <Image Mapping Function> instances are meaningless for all other <Property> contexts.

  2. The only function of <Property Value> components for the <Table Property Description> class to provide elaboration for the meaning field as needed, since in general, referenced <Data Table> instances are distinguished only by their classification (which may be elaborated).


  1. Consider a <Property Table> instance containing two <Table Property Description> instances defining indices to sub-tables (that is, two elements in each cell are such indices, and the <Property Table> itself has two component <Property Table> instances).

    The first index references sub-tables classified by ECC_WATER_BODY_ACOUSTIC_PROPERTY_SET with <Property Value> elaboration EAC_FREQUENCY = 100 Hz.

    The second index references sub-tables classified by ECC_WATER_BODY_ACOUSTIC_PROPERTY_SET with <Property Value> elaboration EAC_FREQUENCY = 2000 Hz.

        <Property Table>
         |---- <Table Property Description>
         |     meaning =
         |        { SE_ELEM_CODE_TYP_INDEX,
         |          { SE_INDEX_CODE_DATA_TABLE_COMPONENT }}
         |      <>
         |      |
         |     <Classification Data>
         |      <>
         |      |
         |      |---- <Property Value>
         |      |     meaning = { SE_PROP_CODE_TYP_ATTRIBUTE,
         |      |                 { EAC_PROPERTY_SET_SPATIAL_DOMAIN }
         |      |     value = { EDCS_AVT_ENUMERATION,
         |      |               { EEC_PRPSETSPATDMN_SURFACE }}
         |      |
         |      |---- <Property Value>
         |      |     meaning = { SE_PROP_CODE_TYP_ATTRIBUTE,
         |      |                 { EAC_WATER_BODY_PROPERTY_SET_ACOUSTIC_TYPE }
         |      |     value = { EDCS_AVT_ENUMERATION,
         |      |               { EEC_WTRBDPRPSTACTY_LOSS }}
         |      |
         |      |---- <Property Value>
         |            meaning = { SE_PROP_CODE_TYP_ATTRIBUTE,
         |                        { EAC_FREQUENCY }
         |            value       = { EDCS_AVT_REAL,
         |                            { EUC_HERTZ, ESC_UNI,
         |                              { EDCS_NVT_SINGLE_VALUE, { 100.0 } }
         |                            }
         |                          }
         |---- <Table Property Description>
               meaning =
                  { SE_ELEM_CODE_TYP_INDEX,
                    { SE_INDEX_CODE_DATA_TABLE_COMPONENT }}
               <Classification Data>
                |---- <Property Value>
                |     meaning = { SE_PROP_CODE_TYP_ATTRIBUTE,
                |                 { EAC_PROPERTY_SET_SPATIAL_DOMAIN }
                |     value = { EDCS_AVT_ENUMERATION,
                |               { EEC_PRPSETSPATDMN_SURFACE }}
                |---- <Property Value>
                |     meaning = { SE_PROP_CODE_TYP_ATTRIBUTE,
                |                 { EAC_WATER_BODY_PROPERTY_SET_ACOUSTIC_TYPE }
                |     value = { EDCS_AVT_ENUMERATION,
                |               { EEC_WTRBDPRPSTACTY_LOSS }}
                |---- <Property Value>
                      meaning = { SE_PROP_CODE_TYP_ATTRIBUTE,
                                  { EAC_FREQUENCY }
                      value       = { EDCS_AVT_REAL,
                                      { EUC_HERTZ, ESC_UNI,
                                        { EDCS_NVT_SINGLE_VALUE, { 2000.0 } }


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Last updated: July 16, 2004 Copyright © 2004 SEDRIS