The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes Colour Data |
An instance of a concrete class derived from this DRM class specifies a 3-tuple representing a colour value, that is, the actual colour coordinate values for a colour in the given colour model.
See concrete subclasses for examples.
If the consumer's colour model is one of the SEDRIS defined colour models (RGB, CMY, or HSV), the SEDRIS Level 0 API, if directed to do so, will change all <Primitive Colour> instances into whichever directly supported colour model the data consumer wishes to specify.
If the data consumer's colour model is not directly supported, the consumer should retrieve the data in an appropriate colour model for use with one of the utility functions provided in the DRM API.
See Part 4, Volume 8 Images and Colour Models Technical Guide of the SEDRIS Documentation Set for further information.