The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes
Spatial Association Data

Class Name: Spatial Association Data

Superclass - <Base Spatial Association Data>


This DRM class is concrete and has no subclasses.


An instance of this DRM class is a link object that specifies the semantic meaning of the association relationship with which it is bound. This semantic meaning specifies a spatial relationship.

Primary Page in DRM Diagram:

Secondary Pages in DRM Diagram:

This class appears on only one page of the DRM class diagram.


  1. Consider two <Linear Feature> instances, one representing a river and the other representing a bridge crossing the river. A <Spatial Association Data> link object on an association from the bridge to the river has meaning field set to SE_SPTL_AM_TYP_COMPLETELY_ABOVE.


No FAQs supplied.


Inherited Field Elements

SE_Spatial_Association_Meaning_Type meaning; (notes)


Fields Notes


The meaning field specifies the semantic meaning of the association relationship with which the <Base Spatial Association Data> instance is bound.

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Last updated: August 23, 2005 Copyright © 2005 SEDRIS