The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes
Responsible Party

Class Name: Responsible Party

Superclass - <SEDRIS Abstract Base>


This DRM class is concrete and has no subclasses.


An instance of this DRM class provides identification of, and means of communication with, person(s) and organization(s) associated with the environmental data being described.

The environmental data refers to the object tree rooted at the aggregate of the <Responsible Party> instance. If a <Responsible Party> instance is shared by multiple aggregate objects, the environmental data refers to the collection of object trees rooted at its various aggregates.

NOTE  The term "environmental data" is equivalent to the term "data set" in ISO 19115.

Primary Page in DRM Diagram:

Secondary Pages in DRM Diagram:

This class appears on only one page of the DRM class diagram.


  1. Consider a data provider creating a <Citation> instance for a MEL Thesaurus consulted in creating <Keywords> instance information. The <Responsible Party> component for the <Citation> instance in this example contains the following data:

    individual_name { empty string }
    organization_name {SE_LOCALE_DEFAULT, 34, "Master Environmental Library (MEL)"}
    position_name {SE_LOCALE_DEFAULT, 44, "Air and Space Executive Agent Representative"}
    contact_information. voice_phone { empty string }
    contact_information. fax_phone { empty string }
    contact_information. tdd_tty_phone { empty string }
    contact_information. address. delivery_point_count { empty string }
    contact_information. address. delivery_point { empty string }
    contact_information. address. city { empty string }
    contact_information. address. administrative_area { empty string }
    contact_information. address. postal_code { empty string }
    contact_information. address. country {'u','s','a'}
    contact_information. address. email_address_count 1
    contact_information. address. email_address[0] {SE_LOCALE_DEFAULT, 24, "[email protected]"}
    contact_information. online_resource. linkage { empty string }
    contact_information. online_resource. protocol { empty string }
    contact_information. online_resource. application_profile { empty string }
    contact_information. online_resource. name { empty string }
    contact_information. online_resource. description { empty string }
    contact_information. online_resource. function SE_ONL_FUNC_CODE_INFORMATION
    contact_information. hours_of_service { empty string }
    contact_information. contact_instructions { empty string }


No FAQs supplied.


Component of (two-way)

Inherited Field Elements

This class has no inherited field elements.

Field Elements

SE_String individual_name; (notes)
SE_String organization_name; (notes)
SE_String position_name; (notes)
SE_Contact_Information contact_information; (notes)
SE_Responsible_Party_Role_Code role; (notes)


Fields Notes


If supplied, the individual_name field specifies the name of the responsible person, in the form surname, given name, title separated by delimiters.


The organization_name field specifies the name of the supporting organization.


If supplied, the position_name field specifies the role or position of the responsible person.


The contact_information field specifies the address of the responsible party.


The role field specifies the function performed by the responsible party.
Prev: Rendering Properties. Next: RGB Colour. Up:Index.

Last updated: August 23, 2005 Copyright © 2005 SEDRIS