The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes Feature Face Ring |
An instance of this DRM class specifies the one-directional topological relationship from a <Feature Face> instance to the ordered collection of one or more <Feature Edge> instances that define one of its boundaries (outer or inner).
Consider an <Areal Feature> instance L representing an environmental object classified as ECC_LAKE. The topology of L is represented by a regular <Feature Face> instance, the outer boundary of which is defined by two <Feature Edge> instances, one defining the north shore of the lake, the other defining the south shore.
To indicate that these two <Feature Edge>
instances define the outer boundary of the lake,
each is a component of an external <Feature Face Ring>
instance through an <Edge Direction> link object
that indicates its orientation with respect to the
<Feature Face Ring> instance.
The <Feature Face Ring> instance is in turn a component
of the <Feature Face> instance specifying
the topology of L. These relationships are depicted in
All <Feature Face> instances are required to have at least one <Feature Face Ring> component, regardless of feature topology level. A regular <Feature Face> instance shall have a <Feature Face Ring> component that defines its outer boundary, and may have any number of <Feature Face Ring> components that define inner boundaries (that is, "holes") within the <Feature Face> instance. A universal <Feature Face> instance has no external <Feature Face Ring> component, but will have one or more internal <Feature Face Ring> components.
Yes. A <Feature Edge> instance can appear up to twice in a <Feature Face Ring> instance, once with each orientation.