The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes
Distance LOD Data

Class Name: Distance LOD Data

Superclass - <Base LOD Data>


This DRM class is concrete and has no subclasses.


An instance of this DRM class specifies a level of detail described in terms of distance from the eyepoint to the centre of the object.

For each <Distance LOD Data> instance, when moving the eyepoint away from the centre of the object, the representation begins to appear at minimum_range. The representation gradually gets stronger until it is fully visible at minimum_range + minimum_fade_band. As the eyepoint continues to move away from the centre of the object, the representation gradually starts to fade out at maximum_range - maximum_fade_band until it completely disappears at maximum_range. If fade bands are specified, adjacent levels shall overlap within those fade bands and not overlap any other portion of the adjacent level(s).

Primary Page in DRM Diagram:

Secondary Pages in DRM Diagram:

This class appears on only one page of the DRM class diagram.


  1. Consider a <LOD Related Geometry> instance that has two branches, each having an attached <Distance LOD Data> link object as depicted in :

    Distance LOD Data, Example 1

    The first <Distance LOD Data> link object has:
    minimum_range 100.0
    minimum_fade_band 10.0
    maximum_range 200.0
    maximum_fade_band 20.0

    The second <Distance LOD Data> link object has:
    minimum_range 200.0
    minimum_fade_band 10.0
    maximum_range 1000.0
    maximum_fade_band 10.0

    If the eyepoint is moving outward and the distance reaches 90, the first branch starts fading in. At a distance of 100, the first branch has totally faded in. At a distance of 180 the first branch starts to fade out. At a distance of 190 the second branch starts fading in. The first and second branches are both seen (superimposed) between the ranges of 190 and 200. At a distance of 200 the first branch is totally faded out, while the second branch is the only branch seen. At a distance of 990, the second branch starts fading out, and at 1000 it is completely faded out.

  2. Consider a <LOD Related Geometry> instance which has two branches, each having an attached <Distance LOD Data> link object.

    The first <Distance LOD Data> link object has:
    minimum_range 50.0
    minimum_fade_band 20.0
    maximum_range 100.0
    maximum_fade_band 30.0

    The second <Distance LOD Data> link object has:
    minimum_range 110.0
    minimum_fade_band 15.0
    maximum_range 500.0
    maximum_fade_band 10.0

    If the eyepoint is moving outward and the distance reaches 30, the first branch starts fading in. At a distance of 50, the first branch has totally faded in. At a distance of 70 the first branch starts to fade out. At a distance of 95 the second branch starts fading in. The first and second branches are both seen (superimposed) between the ranges of 95 and 100. At a distance of 100, the first branch is totally faded out, while the second branch is the only branch seen, but hasn't completely faded in. At a distance of 110 the second branch has completely faded in. At a distance of 490 the second branch starts fading out, and at 500 is completely faded out.

  3. A set of polygonal data is produced with low detail for viewing at ranges greater than 3200 metres, and organized as a <Union Of Primitive Geometry> instance, with a <Distance LOD Data> component specifying this viewing range so that the intended viewing distance at which these <Polygon> instances are to be used is provided.

  4. See examples for <LOD Related Geometry>.


As a data provider, I have a branch of a distance level-of-detail-related organization for which fade bands are not applicable. How should those fields be set?

If a target does not contain fade bands, the minimum_fade_band and maximum_fade_band shall be set to zero (0).


Composed of (two-way)

Component of (two-way) (inherited)

Inherited Field Elements

This class has no inherited field elements.

Field Elements

SE_Long_Float minimum_range; (notes)
SE_Long_Float minimum_fade_band; (notes)
SE_Long_Float maximum_range; (notes)
SE_Long_Float maximum_fade_band; (notes)


Composed of Notes


If present, the <Location> component is the centre point for the LOD test.

Fields Notes


The minimum_range field is specified in metres as the minimum distance from the centre of the object.


The minimum_fade_band field is expressed in metres relative to the minimum_range value. This fade band is defined to be adjacent to the minimum_range and further from the centre of the object.


The maximum_range field is specified in metres as the maximum distance from the centre of the object. SE_POSITIVE_INFINITY is a legal range value.


The maximum_fade_band field is expressed in metres relative to the maximum_range value. This fade band is defined to be adjacent to the maximum_range and closer to the centre of the object.

Prev: Directional Light Behaviour. Next: DRM Class Summary Item. Up:Index.

Last updated: August 23, 2005 Copyright © 2005 SEDRIS