Build Kit

SRM SDK Release 4.4.0

January 21, 2010

  1. Introduction
  2. Supported Platforms And Compilers
  3. Build Requirements
  4. Compiling
  5. Testing the Build
  6. Using the Libraries
  7. Problems with the Build
  8. Recommended Reading
  9. Bug Reports and Feedback
  10. Web Pages


This page covers instructions on how to compile this SRM SDK. In addition, it provides steps that can be used to verify that the compilation completed successfully.

NOTE: This document is intended for those users who are building the SRM libraries from the source. Pre-compiled (bytecode) distributions in Jar file are available for download from the SEDRIS Web Site.

For general information about this release, where to obtain it, and items that require specific attention, see the Release Notes.

For help, comments, and bug reports please send email to If you are an associate, please use

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Supported Platforms And Compilers

The SRM source code can be compiled in any platform supporting a Java version 5 compiler and Runtime Environment.

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Build Requirements

The SRM software will compile and work "out-of-the-box" on all systems supporting Java version 5 compiler. A Java version 5 compiler can be downloaded from the website.

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Unix: Execute the script.

Win32:Execute the build_srm.bat script
The following files are created upon its completion:

If you have any errors reported by the build process, see Problems with the Build.

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Testing the Build

Use the following commands to run the sample application CdToCcConv:

Unix: java -classpath "lib/srm.jar:bin" CdToCcConv

Win32: java -classpath "lib\srm.jar;bin" CdToCcConv

The user should see the following output on the screen:

*** Sample program using SRM Java API to convert a 3D coordinate
*** from a Celestiodetic SRF to a Celestiocentric SRF.
CdSrf parameter =>
orm: ORMCOD_WGS_1984
CcSrf parameter =>
orm: ORMCOD_WGS_1984
CdCoord components (source) =>
[ 0.17453292519943295, 0.3490658503988659, 100.0 ]
CcCoord components (destination) =>
[ 5904838.698311626, 1041182.3792437915, 2167730.9898430835 ] is VALID

If you see something like what is shown above, you have successfully compiled the SRM SDK!

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Using the Libraries

To compile an application using the the classes defined in the srm.jar, import the srm classes in the application file as follows:

import SRM.*;

To run an application using the srm.jar, set the command line flag as follows:

java -classpath "<path>/srm.jar:<other stuff>" <user app>

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Problems with the Build

Why am I having errors using my Java compiler?
Make sure that you have a Java version 5 compiler properly installed on your system and that it is accessible.

Why am I having problems running my application?
Make sure that you have a Java version 5 Runtime Environment properly installed on your system.

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Recommended Reading

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Bug Reports and Feedback

For help, comments, and bug reports please send email to If you are an associate, please use

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Web Pages

These links require Internet access.

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