The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX A - Classes

Class Name: Keywords

Superclass - <SEDRIS Abstract Base>


This DRM class is concrete and has no subclasses.


An instance of this DRM class specifies a set of keywords that apply to the environmental data, along with their type and reference source. The keywords are provided in an ISO 19115 compatible form. The environmental data refers to the object tree rooted at the aggregate of the <Keywords> instance. If a <Keywords> instance is shared by multiple aggregate objects, the environmental data refers to the collection of object trees rooted at its various aggregates.

Primary Page in DRM Diagram:

Secondary Pages in DRM Diagram:

This class appears on only one page of the DRM class diagram.


  1. Consider a <Model> instance representing a Sopwith Camel aircraft, such that the <Model> instance contains an <Identification> instance with a <Keywords> component specified in U.S. English, in order to support keyword searches on the type of aircraft. The <Keywords> component has the following structure:

    keyword_count 1
    keyword_array[0] {SE_LOCALE_DEFAULT, 13, "Sopwith Camel"}

  2. Consider a transmittal containing terrain environmental data representing roads and lakes located at Reykjavik, Iceland. The source environmental data has an ISO 19115 metadata record containing keyword information for the entire transmittal.

    The following <Keywords> instances, defined in U.S. English, are attached to the <Identification> component of the <Transmittal Root> instance to transmit this information as follows.

    The <Keywords> instance for place information has the following field values:

    keyword_count 2
    keyword_array[0] {SE_LOCALE_DEFAULT, 9, "Reykjavik"}
    keyword_array[1] {SE_LOCALE_DEFAULT, 7, "Iceland"}

    This <Keywords> instance has a <Citation> component with the following field values:

    title {SE_LOCALE_DEFAULT, 22, "MEL_Location_Thesaurus"}
    edition { empty_string }
    series_name { empty_string }
    issue_identification { empty_string }
    other_citation_details { empty_string }

    The <Citation> component has a <Responsible Party> component identifying the party responsible for MEL thesauri through a <Role Data> link object with role = SE_ROLECOD_POINT_OF_CONTACT and containing the following data:

    individual_name { empty_string }
    organization_name {SE_LOCALE_DEFAULT, 28, "Master Environmental Library"}
    position_name { empty_string }
    contact_information (for MEL thesauri)

    The <Keywords> instance for theme information has the following field values:

    keyword_count 2
    keyword_array[0] {SE_LOCALE_DEFAULT, 11, "Cartography"}
    keyword_array[1] {SE_LOCALE_DEFAULT, 7, "Mapping"}

    This <Keywords> instance has a <Citation> component with the following field values:

    title {SE_LOCALE_DEFAULT, 42, "MEL_Scientific-Engineering_Field_Thesaurus"}
    edition { empty_string }
    series_name { empty_string }
    issue_identification { empty_string }
    other_citation_details { empty_string }

    This <Citation> component has a <Responsible Party> component identifying the party responsible for MEL thesauri (shared with the <Citation> component for the place <Keywords> instance).


What is the purpose of this class?

This DRM class provides a mechanism for specifying ISO 19115-compliant keywords, which can be used to search a repository (such as MEL) for transmittals that address specified real-world objects, spatial locations, or time periods. This allows a potential user to identify and select those transmittals that meet their requirements, without having to actually obtain and examine the transmittals themselves.

Consider a data provider who has keywords to populate a <Keywords> instance, but is unable to determine which SE_MD_KeywordTypeCode should be used to classify the keywords. What procedure is suggested for such a data provider?

If no more appropriate SE_MD_KeywordTypeCodes can be determined, SE_MD_KEYTYPCOD_THEME is suggested.


Composed of (two-way metadata)

Component of (two-way)

Inherited Field Elements

This class has no inherited field elements.

Field Elements











Composed of Notes


If provided, the <Citation> component identifies the formally registered thesaurus (or a similar authoritative source of keywords) from which the entries of keyword_array were drawn.

Fields Notes


The keyword_count field specifies the number of entries in keyword_array.


Each entry of the keyword_array field is a commonly used word or a formalized word or phrase used to describe the subject.


The type field specifies the subject matter used to group similar keywords in the <Keywords> instance.

Prev: Irregular Axis. Next: Label. Up:Index.