EDCS Reference Manual
EDCS CompareLongFloatValues
extern int
constEDCS_Long_Float_Value *a_ptr,1
constEDCS_Long_Float_Value *b_ptr2


Compares two EDCS_Long_Float_Value types. This function's signature is compatible with qsort.

The comparison compares lower bounds, then uses upper bounds to break any ties ( see EDCS_CompareLongFloatIntervals ). If the lower bound and upper bound values match, closed bounds are considered less than open bounds.


-1 if *a_ptr is NULL and *b_ptr is non-NULL, or *a_ptr < *b_ptr
0 if both arguments are NULL, or *a_ptr == *b_ptr
1 if *b_ptr is NULL and *a_ptr is non-NULL, or *a_ptr > *b_ptr

Parameters Notes

1 handle to 1st EDCS_Long_Float_Value to be compared

2 handle to 2nd EDCS_Long_Float_Value to be compared

Prev: EDCS_CompareLongFloatIntervals. Next: EDCS_CompareStrings. Up:Index.

Last updated: July 26, 2006 Copyright © 2006 SEDRIS