SEDRIS Reference Manual
APPENDIX C - Transmittal Access Level 0 API Auxiliary Functions
Transmittal Access Level 0 Auxillary Functions


SE_Bits Per Texel
SE_Cell Count For Sub Extent
SE_Clone Alternate Hierarchy Parameters
SE_Clone Animation Select Parameters
SE_Clone Classification Entry
SE_Clone Classification Parameters
SE_Clone Hierarchy Order Parameters
SE_Clone Hierarchy Select Parameters
SE_Clone LOD Select Parameters
SE_Clone Octant Select Parameters
SE_Clone Quadrant Select Parameters
SE_Clone Spatial Index Parameters
SE_Clone State Entry
SE_Clone State Select Parameters
SE_Clone Time Select Parameters
SE_Free Alternate Hierarchy Parameters
SE_Free Animation Select Parameters
SE_Free Classification Entry
SE_Free Classification Parameters
SE_Free Hierarchy Order Parameters
SE_Free Hierarchy Select Parameters
SE_Free LOD Select Parameters
SE_Free Octant Select Parameters
SE_Free Quadrant Select Parameters
SE_Free Spatial Index Parameters
SE_Free State Entry
SE_Free State Select Parameters
SE_Free Time Select Parameters
SE_Get Impl Ver Info
SE_Initialize Hierarchy Order Parameters
SE_Initialize Hierarchy Select Parameters
SE_Print API Function
SE_Print Absolute Time Interval Entry
SE_Print Access Mode
SE_Print Alternate Hierarchy Parameters
SE_Print Animation Range
SE_Print Animation Select Parameters
SE_Print Branch Range Matching
SE_Print Classification Entry
SE_Print Classification Parameters
SE_Print Continuous LOD Select Choice
SE_Print Continuous LOD Select Parameters
SE_Print Cylindrical Volume Extent Entry
SE_Print Data Table Sub Extent
SE_Print Encoding
SE_Print General Hierarchy Order
SE_Print General Hierarchy Select
SE_Print Hierarchy Inclusion
SE_Print Hierarchy Order Parameters
SE_Print Hierarchy Select Parameters
SE_Print ITR Behaviour
SE_Print Image Data
SE_Print Image Texel Location 3D
SE_Print Index Range
SE_Print LOD Entry
SE_Print LOD Select Parameters
SE_Print Object Inclusion
SE_Print Octant Select Parameters
SE_Print Parallelepiped Volume Extent Entry
SE_Print Quadrant Select Parameters
SE_Print Relative To Absolute Time Entry
SE_Print Relative To Absolute Time Interval Entry
SE_Print Return Code
SE_Print Search Bounds
SE_Print Search Bounds Closure
SE_Print Search Dimension
SE_Print Search Rule
SE_Print Search Rule Type
SE_Print Search Type
SE_Print Search Value Type
SE_Print Separating Plane Select Parameters
SE_Print Sibling Traversal Order
SE_Print Spatial Index Parameters
SE_Print State Entry
SE_Print State Select Parameters
SE_Print Status Code
SE_Print Time Entry
SE_Print Time Interval Entry
SE_Print Time Measurement Type
SE_Print Time Point Entry
SE_Print Time Select Parameters
SE_Print Traversal Order
SE_Print Unmatched State Behaviour
SE_Print Volume Extent Entry
SE_Print Volume LOD Entry
SE_Print Volumetric Shape
SE_Size Of Search Value Type
SE_Valid API Function
SE_Valid Absolute Time Interval Entry
SE_Valid Access Mode
SE_Valid Alternate Hierarchy Parameters
SE_Valid Animation Range
SE_Valid Animation Select Parameters
SE_Valid Branch Range Matching
SE_Valid Classification Entry
SE_Valid Classification Parameters
SE_Valid Continuous LOD Select Choice
SE_Valid Continuous LOD Select Parameters
SE_Valid Cylindrical Volume Extent Entry
SE_Valid Data Table Signature
SE_Valid Data Table Sub Extent
SE_Valid Encoding
SE_Valid General Hierarchy Order
SE_Valid General Hierarchy Select
SE_Valid Hierarchy Inclusion
SE_Valid Hierarchy Order Parameters
SE_Valid Hierarchy Select Parameters
SE_Valid ITR Behaviour
SE_Valid Image Data
SE_Valid Image Extents
SE_Valid Index Range
SE_Valid LOD Entry
SE_Valid LOD Select Parameters
SE_Valid Object Inclusion
SE_Valid Object Label
SE_Valid Octant Select Parameters
SE_Valid Parallelepiped Volume Extent Entry
SE_Valid Quadrant Select Parameters
SE_Valid Relative To Absolute Time Entry
SE_Valid Relative To Absolute Time Interval Entry
SE_Valid Return Code
SE_Valid Search Bounds
SE_Valid Search Bounds Closure
SE_Valid Search Dimension
SE_Valid Search Rule
SE_Valid Search Rule Type
SE_Valid Search Type
SE_Valid Search Value Type
SE_Valid Separating Plane Select Parameters
SE_Valid Sibling Traversal Order
SE_Valid Spatial Index Parameters
SE_Valid State Entry
SE_Valid State Select Parameters
SE_Valid Status Code
SE_Valid Time Entry
SE_Valid Time Interval Entry
SE_Valid Time Measurement Type
SE_Valid Time Point Entry
SE_Valid Time Select Parameters
SE_Valid Transmittal Name
SE_Valid Traversal Order
SE_Valid Unmatched State Behaviour
SE_Valid Volume Extent Entry
SE_Valid Volume LOD Entry
SE_Valid Volumetric Shape

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Last updated: July 26, 2006 Copyright © 2006 SEDRIS