Data Tables Technical Guide

After reading this document, it is recommended that the following documents within the SEDRIS Technology Documentation Set be reviewed, as appropriate.

  • Part 4, Volume 2: The SEDRIS Data Representation Model.

  • Part 4, Volume 3: Examples of Using the SEDRIS Data Representation Model.

SEDRIS API functions specific to <Data Table> and data extraction in general can be studied in:

  • Part 4, Volume 12: Application Programmer's Interface Overview.

  • Part 4, Volume 13: How to Extract Data from SEDRIS Transmittals.

And optionally:

  • Part 4, Volume 17: API Reference Manual.

Mapping specific kinds of gridded or tabular data into the SEDRIS Data Representation Model or extracting such data requires the use of ECC and EAC codes. Such usage is covered in:

  • Part 4, Volume 10: EDCS Reference Manual.

Using <Property Grid> data requires the use of spatial reference frames and conversion between spatial reference frames and coordinate systems. That material is introduced in:

  • Part 4, Volume 11: Spatial Reference Model.

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Last updated: July 26, 2006 Copyright © 2006 SEDRIS