depth [ options ] transmittal
Depth performs a depth-first traversal of the given SEDRIS transmittal and prints the objects and fields to stdout in text format. It also prints the number of objects and object classes encountered.
- -c [-|configuration_file_name]
Specify optional file of configuration information; if "-" appears with no file name specified, read the configuration information from stdin.
- -d<maximum depth>
Specify the maximum depth of the traversal (the default is zero, for unlimited depth.
- -fast
"Fast" version of depth. Object counts are inaccurate (shared objects are counted multiple times), but this is still useful for "just touching" every object in a transmittal, especially when used in conjunction with the quiet modes.
- -q
Quiet mode. Count the objects, but don't print them.
Very quiet mode. Don't even show the counting update.
- -s"object id"
Start traversal at the object with the given object ID.
- -u<update rate>
Specify the counting update rate (0=off, default=500).
- -unique
Only count unique objects. Skip the shared objects.
- -v
Verbose mode. Print class names and fields of each object. (The default is verbose mode off. Only class names of each object are printed).
- -vv
Very verbose mode. Print contents of <Data Tables> and <Images>.
- -version
Print the version and exit.
- depth transmittals/test.stf
traverses the transmittal starting at the root object
- depth -q transmittals/test.stf
traverses the transmittal without printing the object fields.
- depth -v -c my_configuration_file transmittals/test.stf
traverses the transmittal using the options specified in "my_configuration_file".
- depth -v -s":0,0,92" transmittals/test.stf
traverses the transmittal starting at the object with specified ID.
The following command (initiated in the "transmittals" directory):
produces the following output:depth -q test.stfDepth (C) v4.1.4.0 - SEDRIS 4.1.x compatible glb_directly_attach_table_components = SE_FALSE glb_process_inheritance = SE_FALSE glb_transform_locations = SE_FALSE glb_follow_model_instances = SE_FALSE glb_evaluate_static_control_links = SE_FALSE Opened transmittal "test.stf" Unique ID = 4BCD32E8-7863D914-90CF7951-E0141F92-CAF5D582 Maximum Tree Height = 10 3 Absolute Time 4 Ambient Colour 1 Citation 1 Data Quality 4 Diffuse Colour 1 Environment Root 1 Geometry Model 1 Geometry Model Instance 1 Identification 4 Inline Colour 1 Keywords 1 Legal Constraints 1 Lineage 29 LSR 3D Location 1 Model 1 Model Library 4 Polygon 2 Presentation Domain 4 Primitive Colour 1 Process Step 2 Responsible Party 8 RGB Colour 2 Role Data 1 Security Constraints 1 Spatial Extent 4 Translucency 1 Transmittal Root 1 Transmittal Summary 1 Union Of Geometry Hierarchy 2 Union Of Primitive Geometry 27 Vertex Total object count = 116
See the SEDRIS SDK Runtime Environment variables.
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