SEDRIS Reference Manual
APPENDIX B - Transmittal Access Level 1 API
SE RemoveObjectAndLinks
extern SE_Status_Code
SE_Object  object_to_remove1


Removes the specified object from the transmittal in which it resides, after breaking any relationships between it and its components, associations, and aggregates. Also removes any link objects involved in these relationships from the transmittal.

The transmittal whose object is to be edited must be explicitly opened in UPDATE mode for this operation to succeed.


SE_STATCODE_SUCCESS and all relationships from object_to_remove to other objects are broken, if a valid parameter was passed in and all operations succeeded.
SE_STATCODE_UNRESOLVED_INPUT_OBJECT and no changes are made, if object_to_remove is an unresolved object.
SE_STATCODE_UNRESOLVED_OUTPUT_OBJECT and no changes are made, if object_to_remove has relationships that the DRM defines as bidirectional to unresolved component objects. This means that there may be a relationship from the component object back to object_to_remove that cannot be broken.
SE_STATCODE_INVALID_ACCESS_MODE and no changes are made, if
  1. object_to_remove is in a transmittal that is not open for update
  2. object_to_remove has component relationships that the DRM defines as bidirectional to resolved objects in other transmittals that are not open for update

Parameters Notes

1 object to be removed from a transmittal

Prev: SE_RearrangeImageData. Next: SE_RemoveObjectTree. Up:Index.