SRM Reference Manual
SRM CoordinateEqual
extern SRM_Status_Code
const SRM_Coordinate  *a_ptr,1
const SRM_Coordinate  *b_ptr,2
SRM_Boolean  *result_out_ptr3


Compares the values in a_ptr and b_ptr and reports in result_out_ptr whether a_ptr's value equals b_ptr's value.


SRM_STATCOD_SUCCESS and *result_out_ptr is set to the appropriate result, if valid parameters were passed in.
SRM_STATCOD_INVALID_SOURCE_COORDINATE and no changes are made, if a_ptr or b_ptr is NULL.
SRM_STATCOD_INACTIONABLE and no changes are made, if result_out_ptr is NULL.
SRM_STATCOD_OPERATION_UNSUPPORTED and result_out_ptr is set to SRM_FALSE, if a_ptr->spatial_coord_code does not equal b_ptr->spatial_coord_code.

Parameters Notes

1 1st coordinate operand

2 2nd coordinate operand

3 a SRM_Boolean variable in the user's memory space where the result will be stored.

Next: SRM_CrossProduct. Up:Index.