The SEDRIS Data Representation Model
APPENDIX B - Constraints Nested Primitive Geometry |
When a <Primitive Geometry> instance has a <Union Of Primitive Geometry> component, the resulting geometry shall lie on the surface of the parent geometry.
Allowed nesting combinations are:
<Polygon> can nest:
<Polygon>, <Ellipse>, <Line>, <Arc>,
<Point>, and <Finite Element Mesh>.
<Ellipse> can nest:
<Polygon>, <Ellipse>, <Line>, <Arc>,
<Point>, and <Finite Element Mesh>.
<Volume Object> can nest:
<Finite Element Mesh> as an interior 3-D mesh
<Finite Element Mesh> cannot nest.
When a <Primitive Geometry> instance contains a <Union Of Primitive Geometry> instance for nesting reasons, the relationship means that the union represents a "subface" of the <Primitive Geometry> instance, i.e., it is part of the <Primitive Geometry> instance.
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