EDCS Reference Manual
EDCS GetEEDictionaryEntry
extern EDCS_Status_Code
const EDCS_Attribute_Code  ea_code_in,1
const EDCS_Enumerant_Code  ee_code_in,2
const EDCS_Enumerant_Dictionary_Entry  **result_out_ptr3


Retrieves dictionary information for the given EE.


EDCS_SC_SUCCESS and *result_out_ptr is set appropriately, if valid parameters were passed in.
EDCS_SC_NULL_REQUIRED_PARAMETER and no changes are made, if any parameter is NULL.
EDCS_SC_INVALID_INPUT_CODE and no changes are made, if ea_code_in does not correspond to a valid EA, or if ee_code_in does not correspond to a valid EE for that EA.

Parameters Notes

1 The EA code for the EE for which information is requested

2 The EE code for which information is requested

3 pointer to a variable in the user's memory into which a handle to the requested dictionary entry will be copied

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