Syntax Checker Tool

SEDRIS SDK Release 4.1.1

June 24, 2007

  1. Synopsis
  2. Description
  3. Options
  4. Examples
  5. Sample Run
  6. Environment
  7. See Also


syntax_checker [ options ] transmittal


Syntax Checker verifies the syntactical correctness of a given SEDRIS transmittal, and prints error messages for any problems that it finds. For each object in a transmittal, this tool verifies that all associations and aggregations involving that object are correct. The DRM defines the aggregation and association rules. Data providers use this tool to create syntactically correct transmittals. Data consumers may find syntax_checker useful to verify that a transmittal is syntactically correct before transmittal consumption.

Please read Checker Tools Users Guide for additional information on this tool.


-d <max depth>

Specify a positive integer for the maximum search depth.

-f <file name>

Specify the name of file for the formatted output.


Turns off two-way aggregation checks for ITR.

-s"object id"

Specify the SE_Object ID from where to start the checking.

-u <update rate>

Specify the counting update rate (off=0, default=500).


syntax_checker transmittals/test.stf

Verifies the transmittal "test.stf".


The following command (initiated in the "transmittals" directory):

syntax_checker test.stf
produces the following output:
Update rate set to every 500 objects processed
Opened SEDRIS Transmittal test.stf.
Testing.  Please wait...

 Total object count = 116

        3       Absolute Time
        4       Ambient Colour
        1       Citation
        1       Data Quality
        4       Diffuse Colour
        1       Environment Root
        1       Geometry Model
        1       Geometry Model Instance
        1       Identification
        4       Inline Colour
        1       Keywords
        1       Legal Constraints
        1       Lineage
       29       LSR 3D Location
        1       Model
        1       Model Library
        4       Polygon
        2       Presentation Domain
        4       Primitive Colour
        1       Process Step
        2       Responsible Party
        8       RGB Colour
        2       Role Data
        1       Security Constraints
        1       Spatial Extent
        4       Translucency
        1       Transmittal Root
        1       Transmittal Summary
        1       Union Of Geometry Hierarchy
        2       Union Of Primitive Geometry
       27       Vertex
Total object count = 116

Total error count = 0


See the SEDRIS SDK Runtime Environment variables.


Rules Checker, Depth, Model Viewer, Tools And Utilities document

Copyright © 2007 SEDRIS