SEDRIS Reference Manual
APPENDIX B - Transmittal Access Level 1 API
SE AddObjectToAggregate
extern SE_Status_Code
SE_Object  aggregate_object,1
SE_DRM_Class  new_object_tag,2
SE_FIELDS_PTR  new_fields3


Creates an object of the given class, sets its fields, adds it to a transmittal, creates its relationship to the given aggregate, then frees the new component object.

Note that this function does not return the object that has just been created. To access that object, you must retrieve it with another function, e.g. SE_GetNextObject() after creating an iterator.

The transmittal whose object is to be edited must be explicitly opened in UPDATE mode for this operation to succeed.


SE_STATCODE_SUCCESS and the requested object is created as specified, if valid parameters were passed in and all operations succeeded.
SE_STATCODE_INACTIONABLE_FAILURE and no changes are made, if new_object_tag is SE_CLS_DRM_NULL.
SE_STATCODE_UNRESOLVED_INPUT_OBJECT and no changes are made, if aggregate_object is unresolved.
SE_STATCODE_INVALID_ACCESS_MODE and no changes are made, if aggregate_object belongs to a transmittal opened in SE_AM_READ_ONLY mode.
SE_STATCODE_INACTIONABLE_FAILURE and no changes are made, if this call fails for any other reason

Parameters Notes

1 existing object, for which we are creating and adding a component

2 the DRM class of the new object being created

3 if present, used instead of the default fields for the new object

Next: SE_FreeDataTableConstantSignature. Up:Index.